Yachting Australia Assessment to Secure Future of Sailing

Published on July 10th, 2015

Yachting Australia, in conjunction with the State and Territory Associations (MYAs), has released proposed plans for a whole of sport organisation that will significantly grow the sport, deliver long term sustainability, develop closer working relationships with Clubs and secure talent pathways for future Australian Olympians.

After extensive consultation by Ernst & Young with Member Clubs, staff of Yachting Australia and MYA’s and oversight by operational committees, ‘One Sailing – The Case for Change’ has been presented to MYAs by Yachting Australia and a consultation process with Clubs will take place this month.

‘One Sailing’ is an integration of Yachting Australia and MYA management, cutting down on the duplication of services, better utilising resources and creating a more club centric organisation with a focus on building the capability of Clubs for the benefit of the sport.

As the consultation process begins, Yachting Australia President Matt Allen outlined the proposal saying, “we have listened to our Clubs and they have told us what they expect and the services they require us to deliver. We’ve undertaken this process to secure the future and ensure sailing remains competitive and our Clubs are operating for many years to come.

“Sailing is a sport for life and we need to increase the number of people coming into our Clubs and getting onto the water, whatever age they are,” said Allen. “Our Discover Sailing and Tackers programs are a great start for adults and kids and we need to encourage more people to give sailing a try.”

“This proposal has been developed with an eye to the future and the sustainability of the sport,” Allen added. “Over the next month, Clubs and Members are encouraged to have their say on this issue and should speak to their Club Commodore or State or Territory Board.”

At the Federal Assembly meeting to be held on Saturday 1 August 2015 in Sydney with representatives of Yachting Australia and all States and Territories in attendance, a decision will be finalised on the next steps.

For more information or to provide feedback on ‘One Sailing’, Clubs and members are encouraged to contact their State or Territory Association President or Executive Officer.

To read the full report: CLICK HERE

Additional comments from Matt Allen here.

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