Author Archives: Editor

Guest Commentary

From James Leopold

October 5th, 2012

Many of us are aware that there are very few American’s who are members of the Oracle Team representing the U.S. in the 34th edition of the America’s Cup. And there are other countries in the competition that have few or no nationals on their teams. But when I read the short news brief in ‘Butt # 3690


Another Agenda

October 4th, 2012

The America’s Cup tends to attract two types of teams: those that can legitimately contend and those with another agenda.

Minoprio is Back

October 4th, 2012

Hamilton, Bermuda (October 3, 2012) – Former Alpari World Match Racing Tour (AWMRT) Champion, Adam Minoprio, went unbeaten on the

Dock Talk


October 4th, 2012

In Scuttlebutt 3689 it was reported that the gold medal won by Helena Lucas (singlehanded event) at the 2012 Paralympic

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