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SCUTTLEBUTT #316 - May 4, 1999

The 1999 ISAF Mid-Year Meetings, Vancouver, Canada concluded 2 May 1999, after four days of intense meetings for the Council, Executive, Sailing and Events Committees. There follows details of the principle decisions taken, and status on others.

ISAF ADVERTISING CODE -- First addressed at the 1998 Mid-Year Meeting, the much publicised new "ISAF Advertising Code", whilst following the same policy principles has now evolved to be a clearer and simplified version of that originally proposed and received a majority support. The final document will be put to Council (in rule format, rather than its current policy state) in November 1999, and is intended to come into play on 1 January 1999. To summarise the advertising levels:

All boats may carry a minimum level of advertising, Category A, to include class insignia, sailmakers' mark, builder's mark on hull, spars and small equipment; Forward 25% of both sides of the hull shall be reserved for advertising chosen by the event organiser.

All boats will then have the option to either have no additional advertising than that required by Category A, or to have Category C Advertising which in addition to that required by Appendix A will permit unrestricted advertising on the hulls, spars and sails, except with respect to Appendix H (Identification on Sails).

Classes have the option to choose whether they are Category A or C, although Olympic Classes shall be Category C. If a class is Category C, it may decide the maximum level of advertising permitted.

In respect of Grade 1 and World Championship Match Racing Events, Special Events/Classes (ie Volvo Ocean Race, America's Cup) and ISAF Events, then ISAF will grant Category C advertising.

In respect of fees paid, with the exception of those events/classes falling under ISAF's responsibility, then the respective MNA will be responsible to determine whether a fee will be charged and an Advertising Licence System introduced.

It is intended that the new Advertising Code will be much simpler and clearer for all to understand, with its goal to open up the advertising opportunities for sailors, event organisers, classes and MNA's alike.

The "Advertising Code" will be circulated for final ratification in November 1999, and will be on the website soon.

2004 OLYMPIC REGATTA - DISCIPLINES -- In November 1998, Council approved the eleven medal events for the 2004 Olympic Regatta, although the disciplines for the Keelboat events (Keelboat Open, Keelboat Men and Keelboat Women) were left open for an anticipated decision at the 1999 Mid-Year Meetings. Whilst it was intended that a decision on disciplines of the three Keelboat events be made at the Mid-Year Meetings, the recommendation from the Events Committee which proposed fleet racing disciplines for the men keelboat and women keelboat with match racing for the open keelboat, led Council to defer the matter to November 1999 to give Member National Authorities further opportunity to give input.

EQUIPMENT OBSERVATION EVENT -- In March 2000 in Quiberon, France, an "Equipment Observation Event" will take place to look at possible new classes multihull and fast single-handed disciplines, with the objective being to look at classes to be used at future Olympic Regattas. If a suitable class were identified at the observation, the earliest it could find itself in the Olympic Games would be 2004. The equipment (class of boat) for the Olympics is normally determined four years prior to the regatta, hence equipment for the 2004 Olympic Regatta is scheduled to be determined at the 2000 November Conference, and that for the 2008 Olympic Regatta in November 2004.

EMPIRICAL HANDICAP COMMITTEE -- Spawned from the Empirical Handicap Forum initiated in November 1997, and with the remit to promote the interests of the various empirical handicapping systems and their constituent members, the Council appointed a new "Empirical Handicap Committee", of eleven members.

CLASSIC YACHTS -- Council approved the recommendation to introduce a new ISAF status of class to be known as "Classic Yachts", and thus recognise the high level of international competitive sailing and contribution such classes provide, but who do not meet the usual criteria to be an ISAF International or Recognised Class. Any designated "Classic Yacht" will have a tradition of competition extending back many decades. One of the benefits granted to the "Classic Yachts" will be the right to hold an annual World Championship.

PROPULSION -- From an initiative of the Danish Sailing Federation in November 1998, a working party has been appointed to investigate and evaluate the current Racing Rule of Sailing 42 on Propulsion. The group will represent all disciplines and skill levels to consider whether such techniques should be permitted as a normal part of sailing. Taking the experience from windsurfing and permitted unlimited pumping, some opinions feel that ISAF should expand this liberal attitude.

2000 OLYMPIC REGATTA - BOAT IDENTIFICATION -- There was much debate on the need to make our sport more visually stimulating and teams clearly identifiable, including national identification on sails, names on sails, national flags on mainsails and national identification on the hull. Whilst SOCOG have agreed to fund the placement of such identification on the boats, further investigation will be undertaken on the preferred options and technical suitability of materials. But there is no doubt, that the boats racing at the Sydney Games will be visual!

2001 ISAF World Team Racing Championship The Lodni Sporty Brno Yacht Club in the Czech Republic was confirmed as the host club for the 2001 ISAF World Team Racing Championship, and will be the first ISAF event to be held in the country.

NEW MEDIA RIGHTS -- In an effort to protect the interests of Classes and Member National Authorities, and to clearly identify the owner of media rights, and evolving media rights (digital, internet) ISAF passed a new regulation to govern media rights and "new" media rights. The regulation affirms the principle that the ISAF is the first owner of all media rights for events using the racing rules of sailing, and effectively licences the media rights to other parties. In respect of ISAF Classes, they are automatically licensed for their Class World and Continental Championships. In respect of National events, and events taking place in one country, on application ISAF will give (without fee) the rights to the respective Member National Authority, who may in turn sub-licence (with or without fee) the rights to the Event Organising Authority.

For events taking place in more than one country, ISAF may license (a fee may be charged) the rights to the MNA of the event organiser. In respect of other high profile, special events, classes and ISAF Events, ISAF may grant the license to the event organiser or other organisation, and a fee may be charged.

2003 COMBINED ISAF WORLDS -- The Council endorsed the recommendation of the 2003 Evaluation Commission and Events Committee, that Cadiz be selected as the venue for the 2003 ISAF Combined Olympic Classes World Championships.

The high quality of the seven bids from three countries, made the selection difficult as all candidates were capable of staging the event.

ISAF and Consorcio Mundo Vela Cadiz plan to stage the event in May 2003. A working party from the Events Committee and an ISAF Vice-President will now further develop the event manual in order for the Executive Committee to finalise the contract with the Organising Committee.

On Council confirming the recommendation of the Evaluation Commission, the President of the RFEV, Arturo Delgado, offered to host the 2002 ISAF World Sailing Championships in Spain.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP -- With many of ISAF's smaller and developing Member National Authorities unable to pay their annual ISAF subscriptions, it has been agreed to look into opportunities to permit a form of membership, which will require a lower subscription fee yet still welcome the country into the ISAF family, albeit with a lower level of benefit than that granted to Full ISAF members

ISAF website:

FINAL RESULTS: ULDB 70 (5 boats) 1 Taxi Dancer, Hughes/Richards (7) 2 Evolution, Ducker (13) FARR 40 (5): 1 Samba Pa Ti, Kilroy (8) 2 Orient Express, Tong (11) 1. J/120 (13) 1. Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, Harvey (9) 2 Simply Red, Kelly Vince (15) 3 Hot Tamale, Jorgensen (21) 4 CC Rider Nichols/Pyle (29) 5 Indigo, Birnberg (31) SCHOCK 35 (19) 1 Troublemaker, Long/Downey (17) 2 Wings Case (18) 3 Wild Thing, Zylstra/Harris (22) 4 White Fang, Adams (28) 5 Piranha, Voss (31) J 35 (7) 1 Fast LanePatterson (8) 2 Rag Tag, Burns (10) 3 Incisor, Dwire/Plander (15) PHRF AA (7) 1 CANTATA (AND53) RON KUNTZ (8) 2 ARANA (51SLP) JOHN CARROLL (15) 3 VELOS (CUSTOM) K & B HESTEHAVE (18) B PHRF (10) 1 HIGH (FARR40) ROSS RITTO (11) 2 TABASCO (OD 35) JOHN/STEPH WYLIE (12) 3 BRAVURA (FARR44) ERNIE PENNELL (12) C PHRF (22) 1 MUDDY WATERS (MELG30) JOHNSON/MEANS (15.5) 2 B-NASTY (B32) WILSON/ STRUM (20.5) 3 DEFIANCE (B32) SCOTT TAYLOR (22) 4 VOODOO (TRIPP40) DENNIS PENNELL (24) 5 WHITE KNIGHT (FARR40) PHILLIP (35) D PHRF (14) 1 MENACE XX (SOV33) DENNIS CONNER/ PINHERO (10) 2 HOT RUM (CF33) CASTILLION/PACHECO (20) 3 WILDFIRE (OLS30) LORENCE/ELLIS (20) 4 INVINCIBLE (NM30) TOM CARRUTHERS (22) 5 NEMESIS (ANTR27) GEOFF (25) MELGES 24 (15) 1 RUSH, V.BRUN/B.MITCHELL (9) 2 NOT THE FAMILY BUICK, M.STONE/S.BENNETT (12) 3 TWIST & SHOUT, JESSICA LORD (14) 4 WIDESPREAD PANIC, BLAKE MacDIARMID (24) 5 STUD PUPPY, G.MILLER/K.McCARTHY (27) B PHRF (17) 4 1 MIDNIGHT EXPRESS (CF27) PETER SENFT (11) 2 ENERGY (J-30) GREG TICE (22) 3 WHISPER, AL BERG (22) 4 87927 THUNDERBOX (AND26) RON/IAN TROTTER (25) 5 AMOUROUS (CAPO26) CHUCK HOLLAND (27)

Complete Results:

Posting a near perfect record, Bob Johnstone's J/105 CAMELLIA won the Palmetto Cup followed by the SAYRA (South Atlantic Yacht Racing Association) Offshore Championship to take the Overall Class A PHRF title for Charleston Race Week. When the cumulative corrected times, divided by miles sailed, of all Division winners were tabulate to determine the Pusser's Cup "Boat-of-the-Week", CAMELLIA came out on top again. Johnstone credits crew members, which included Round the World Sailor Dave Scully, x-Newporter Dan Dickison and West Coast transplant Patrick Rogers, as being crucial to winning under the trying heavy-air conditions.

With a persistent, concentrated low pressure center hanging onto the Carolina coastline, temperatures and winds were more like a New England Northeaster with temperatures in the 50's and low 60's (13 degrees below average) and winds in the 20-25 knot range for most of the series. Probably the most spectacular finish of the week was the J/30 J-MOOSE's on Friday. A line of wind came in at 25-30 knots, causing MOOSE to break its boom on the leeward mark rounding. Then their genoa pulled out of the Tuff-Luff about a ? mile to the finish. The crew then tensioned the genoa halyard to sail the genoa like a flat asymmetric spinnaker upwind against a strong 2 knot tide to the finish, managing to hold on to a 2nd place for the race. Over 1/3 the Race Week Fleet suffered equipment damage, retired or elected to DNS due to the rough, rainy conditions in Charleston Harbor.

Charleston Race Week was moved this year from the July 4th week to provide more wind and moderate temperatures for the contestants. Those wishes were more than fulfilled. If these conditions continue for a few more years, Charleston Race Week will be right up there with San Francisco's Berkeley Circle in June and top Key West Race Week for wind.

Charleston Race Week Results (Top 5 in each Class) Class A: (1) CAMELLIA, J/105, Robert Johnstone, Charleston SC, 1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1, 9 Pts; (2) HAWKEYE, IMX 38, Gene Rohrer, Charlotte NC, 3,5,1, 3,2,2,4,2, 22 pts; (3) ARROW, J/35, Dr. Willi Schwenzfier, Charleston SC, 2,3,4,6,5,4,5,4; (4) DEVILFISH, Evelyn 32.2, Buck Newsome, Charleston SC, 4,2,5,4,4,6,6,12, 43 pts; (5) PAMLICO, Andrews 38, Terry Smith, James Island SC, DNF, 4,3,2,7,3,3, 12; 46 pts. Class B: (1) J MOOSE, J/30, Rick Moore, Charleston SC, 2,1,1,1,1,2,2,2, 12 pts, (2) LADY BENETEAU, Beneteau 36s7,Deven Hull, Charleston SC, 1,2,2, 4,5,3,3,4; 24 pts. (3) OLE YELLA, Lindenburg 26, Carlton Polnot, Charleston SC, 3,3,4,5,4,8,8,5, 40 pts. (4) AVALON, S2 7.9, Greg Siewert, Charleston SC,5,5,3,3,3,8,8,3, (5) ON LOCATION, Columbia 26, Larry Workman, 4,4,5,6,6,8,8,8, 49 pts. Class C Non-Spinnaker: (1) SLAM DUNK, J/34c, Dominic Fedele, Charleston SC, 2,1,2,1,1,1,3,1, 12 pts.;(2) DISSIPATION, Tartan 30, Tim Burke, Charleston SC, 1,2,1,3,2,2,1,2 14 pts.; (3) SWELL RIDER, Hunter 34, Ted Wickman, 4,4,4,5,5,7,5,9 43 pts. (4) DIVINE WIND, Hunter 31, Mike Bryce, 6,3,3,4,6,4,9,4, 39 pts (but higher cumulative corrected time), (5) SLIP AWAY, Hunter 34, Charles Frasch, Charleston SC, 3,6,5,7,7,5,9,5, 47 pts.

The Boat U.S. Santa Maria Cup and Eastport Yacht Club have extended an invitation to Charlie Arms of San Diego, CA to participate in the 1999 BOAT/U.S. Santa Maria Cup to be held June 2 in Annapolis. Ms. Arms won her invitation by virtue of her second place finish in the Sundance Cup, a new women's match racing event held at the Ft. Worth Boat Club in April of this year. Ms. Arms finished behind Jane Moon of the Cayman Islands, who already holds and invitation to the Boat U.S. Santa Maria Cup.

Tuesday June 2nd will mark the kick off of this premiere match racing event for women sailors in the United States, at the Eastport Yacht Club in Annapolis Maryland. The Boat U.S. Santa Maria Cup has been sailed in these waters since 1991.

This ISAF Grade 2 regatta has been chosen as the single qualifying event in the United States for the Women's World Match Racing Championship which will be sailed in Italy in September. This designation has attracted more of the world's top women match racers than ever. 9 of the top 20 women in the international rankings are scheduled to appear in this field of 12.

Scheduled to compete are (rankings current as of March 30, 1999):
Paula Lewin BER 1
Betsy Alison USA 2
Shirley Robertson GBR 5
Klaartje Zuiderbaan NED 6
Marie Klok DEN 7
Marie Bjorling SWE 10
Cory Sertl USA 13
Dru Slattery USA 14
Sandy Grosvenor USA 17
Jane Moon CAY 38
Dawn Riley USA 57
Charlie Arms USA NR

Event website:


Two of the largest one-design classes at the San Diego YC's Yachting Cup Regatta were the Schock 35s with 19 starters and the 13-boat J/120 class. To the surprise of no one, boats with Ullman Sails won both of these very competitive classes. If you're interested in moving the performance of your boat up to the next level, you should check in with the professionals at Ullman Sails and find out what the winners already know -- improved performance is more affordable than you think:

Kingfisher plc, announced its fully-funded sponsorship of British Yachtsman of the Year, Ellen MacArthur, in her quest to sail single-handed around the world in the next Vendee Globe race.

The sponsorship, worth some L2 million over a two year period, will enable Ellen to compete at the top end of the sport - in one of the toughest events in existence - single-handed, non-stop, around the globe. Made famous by the dramatic rescues of Tony Bullimore and Raphael Dinelli in the last race in 1995-6, Vendee Globe 2000 promises to be an incredible event with a whole host of highly competitive boats in construction, for the world's best sailors such as Michel Desjoyeaux, Dominique Wavre and Route du Rhum winner Thomas Coville.

Ellen will be the youngest competitor, and probably one of only two women. Yet the 5'2" Derbyshire born MacArthur is not there to make up the numbers. She believes she can win.

Today, the much-awaited decision on the designer for Kingfisher was announced. Rather than choose a single Yacht Designer for the new Open 60, Kingfisher has opted for an America's Cup style Design Team. The Kingfisher Challenge 2000 Design Team brings expertise from four different areas together to form a formidable group:

- Alain Gautier : former Vendee Globe winner and currently skipper of the Open 60 trimaran 'Broceliande'.
- Rob Humphreys : 25 years of Yacht Design, and previous Southern OceanWhitbread experience with Rothmans and Dolphin&Youth. Rob's particular focus will be to manage the extensive R&D programme, and take a special interest in the safety aspects of the design.
- Merfyn Owen : Naval Architect, Engineer and offshore Sailor. Previously Project Manager for the design and construction of Mike Golding's Team Group 4 - widely acknowledged as one of the best ever prepared Open 60s. Merf will be co-ordinating the design effort, and uniquely, will provide continuity by also project managing the build and preparation of the yacht.
- Giovanni Belgrano : Gio is part of the team, and will be using his expertise with SP Technologies in the area of advanced structural engineering - a fundamental area of development for this project.

The Kingfisher Design Team will be working with two key Technology Partners - the Wolfson Unit for tank testing and wind tunnel work, and WS Atkins for Computational Fluid Dynamics work aimed at optimised the appendages.
Weather data will also be taken from Pierre Lasnier, and further detail meteorology work will be carried out with Jean-Yves Bernot. The plan is for Ellen to 'walk the course' a full year ahead.

The key principles for the design are:
1. To exceed the safety regulations. 2. A slightly less powerful boat than the current crop of 60s, but with a comparable power-to-weight ratio. 3. Focus on reliability. No untried radical options.

Construction location of the boat is yet to be confirmed, but is likely to be in France or New Zealand, with a launch in February 2000.

Kingfisher is one of Europe's largest non-food retailers, concentrating on home and family markets. The Group operates over 2,700 stores in thirteen countries. Employing more than 115,000 people, Kingfisher encompasses some of the best-known retail brands in Europe.


After a year away from Antigua, you forget just how 'mega' a mega-yacht can be. While small kids may wet their pants with delight as they stroll down the aisles of Toys 'R Us, I never tire walking the docks at Antigua. It's impossible to take it all in on a single pass - the opulence, the majesty, and oh yes the ostentation. Money may not be able to buy happiness, but it sure provides some wonderful painkillers.

Anchored out in Falmouth Harbor, Jim Dolan's new IMS maxi looks insignificant tied up alongside of it's 'mother ship' in a seven boat raft-up that represents untold millions of dollars. It was also pretty amazing to see three J-Boats tied up in the same marina. And I'm not talking about 24s, 105s or 120s - I'm talking about Endeavor, Velsheda and Shamrock V. And just a slip or two away was Mari Cha III - the boat that hold the Trans-Atlantic record.

As a West Coaster, with thousands of offshore miles on sleds, I expected Mari Cha to be less grand, far more stripped out. Not even close -- this is a real yacht, with unbelievable trick shit that just blows away the imagination.

On the West Coast when people talk about support boats, you tend to think of hard-bottom inflatables. Not here. There were a lot of race boats at Antigua Sailing Week with support vessels, but they were generally in the 100+ foot range. And each seemed to come complete with a staff of bright young faces that scurry around all day with a chamois, metal polish or a varnish brush.

Forget the regatta. Go to Antigua next year just to see the boat show.

We read all e-mail (except jokes) but simply can't publish every letter. Those printed here are routinely edited for clarity, space (250 words max) or to exclude personal attacks.

-- From Chris Ericksen, Re Jay Price's letter -- "Corinthian" is a word that can, I guess, mean whatever anyone wants it to mean. While I do not, Jay Price seems to see classism in it. OK, then how about "good sport," or "polite," or "display appropriate behavior", none of which was very much in evidence in the incident last summer. We have already debunked the idea that this behavior was linked to the venue in which it occurred, so raising that now in connection with "chucking" the term Corinthian seems to be at least untimely and at most inflammatory.; this beavior occurred where it did and could have occurred anywhere else. It's time to debunk the idea that the participants were not "the right kind of people" as equally untrue: they were just folks blessed with an overabundance of enthusiasm and alcohol who reacted inappropriately to the outcome of what is, after all, just a sailboat race.

(The following are excerpts from DEFENCE 2000, which is available from -- US $48 per year.)

* Auckland's Ponsonby Cruising Club and the Classic Yachts Association are to stage a three day classic regatta, starting on February 13, 2000, one week before the start of the America's Cup defence. More than 100 tall ships, classic,vintage and veteran yachts from as far afield as England, the USA and Australia are expected. Some of the veteran yachts arriving for the Classic Millennium Cup were original America's Cup challengers and winners. Amongst those already committed to sailing to New Zealand is the 1930's Cup yacht, Valsheda, which will sail from England. Formerly one of England's trial boats (1932 and 1934) it is regarded as one of the world's best restored J class yachts.

* Telecom New Zealand has signed with the US based Quokka to manage the Team New Zealand and official America's Cup 2000 web sites. New Zealand developers are up in arms and appalled that their approaches to Telecom have been ignored. To this major snub to New Zealand companies, add the fact that TWI Interactive, another US company, are to manage the web sites for the Louis Vuitton challenger series and their media centre. With three different companies using three different software philosophies for official web sites, one must make the observation about a gross waste of management and development skills, and the lack of patriotic support for New Zealand developers (who were first to produce animation for yachting).

Squalls in the Caribbean generally come and go quickly, but crewmembers at Antigua Sailing Week who wore cotton shorts suffered for the rest of the day with wet pants. However, it simply was not a problem for those of us with fast drying Supplex Camet sailing shorts. Even better, the optional butt pads made those long beats up the island far more pleasant. Check them out:

With the 40th Transpac a little more than two months away, there are 25 entries. Additionally, entry chairman Dan Nowlan says there are 16 "maybes" and two or three possible multihulls. There have been 38 starters in each of the last two races. Boats may enter separate classes to compete with Transpac and PHRF ratings. - Rich Roberts

Race website:

Lead me not into temptation -- I can find it myself.