SCUTTLEBUTT #341 - June 10, 1999
GUEST EDITORIAL - Neil W. Humphrey
I've been following with great interest the recurring theme in Scuttlebutt
of Sponsorship, Professionalism and Amateurism in our great sport. It seems
like a topic that will not have an easy solution for all of us but is the
problem really the defining and redefining of Sponsorship, Professionalism
and Amateurism. I think not and believe it has more to do with our sport's
athletes and it's authorities not being able to get together and form a
long term plan and structure for the sport to attract growth and
sponsorship. Paul Henderson summed it up by saying "if ISAF could find a
circuit that was attractive for those who wish to make their living sailing
it would help and ISAF will endeavor to address it." In our sport this is a
familiar statement which sadly has been around for over 30+ years of my
sailing life.
I believe it's time we took a very serious look at why our sport has not
progressed like other sports in the areas of growth and sponsorship. Some
sports like snowboarding, volleyball and mountain biking to name but a few
have just blown by us like we are standing still. One only has to look at
any of the of these sports and other major sports to see that they do have
a long term plan and structure for the sport to attract growth and
sponsorship. Here are some of my thoughts on what we need to do:
1. ISAF, National Authorities, amateur sailors, professional sailors,
industry media/marketing gurus and industry business meet to form a long
term plan and structure for a International Professional Sailing League
(IPSL) that dovetails into the aspects of ISAF and NAs. Could find many
examples in other major sports on how to do this but we need to have
started yesterday.
2. Select a class of one-design boats (non Olympic, Volvo, AC & etc) that
can be easily transported to anywhere in the world. Each boat can be
sponsored by a large national business which is interested in seeing their
boat travel the world. We have to provide top level exposure for the
dollars they invest.
3. Recreate the sport for the IPSL to attract an audience. Look at how
snowboarding has recreated itself so it can be sold to spectators, TV and
sponsors. Look at how they market the clothing and equipment too! Sailing
is a spectator sport but we haven't figured it out yet as we are still
holding on to our Corinthian ways. We've got to evolve as a sport.
4. Have the creative marketing arm of the IPSL create a new spectator and
media friendly racing circuit that gives sponsors a opportunity to
advertise their businesses on and off the water. Also, find a way to draw
spectators into the sport. Hey, our local TV station only focuses on
professional sports now.
5. Create an international amateur farm system within each NA so it is
clearly defined for aspiring amateurs what they have to do to progress to
being a profession. Presently there is no system for moving our better
sailors up the ladder to professional ranks. It's more like a who you know
and a small group of insiders who are many the money. All other sports have
some sort of structure that helps an athlete progress from amateur to
professional. Why don't we? Well at 17 years old after I finished with the
junior system in Canada which is local, national, North America youth
events and YOTS (Youth Olympic Training Semiars) I moved to England to work
in the industry and race.
6. Create a professional image of our sport equal to other professional
sports. Hey, people want to relate to the individual athlete or heroes in
the sport not the politicking going on in events like America's Cup and the
likes of. When was the last time you heard anyone refer to Paul Elvstrom in
the same sentence as Pele, Wayne Gretzky, Michael Jordan or Babe Ruth?
Comes down to how well we market ourselves doesn't it.
7. Believe that as a international group, we all will benefit in our sport
by recreating the sport with a "specific" Professional Level within our
sport that has a long term plan and structure for the sport, sponsors and
spectators a like.
Finally, I believe the sailing community like any other sport can
demonstrate that growth and access to sponsorship comes through having a
long term plan and structure where amateurs, professionals and sponsors
coexist interdependently for the long term benefit of the sport, sponsors
and it's audience. Let's get on with it
* Team New Zealand has recently been testing a new mast in one of their
1995-generation Black Magic yachts. The trials of the new mast have sparked
a rash of media speculation about rig development for the America's Cup
2000 series in general. Rotating wing masts, masts with articulating
trailing edges and masts supported by deck spreaders that extend way beyond
the hull as seen in the recent Around Alone race are among the theories
being promoted. Rotating masts are not allowed under the IACC rule. The
rule also stipulates that the mast section will be a "continuous, single
surface" with no slats or similar devices to "enhance the aerodynamic
performance," which appears to outlaw any articulating sections. Deck
spreaders do not appear to be against the rules, although their use would
change the fundamentals of match racing, especially during pre-starts. --
Ivor Wilkins, Grand Prix Sailor
For the full story: (after 9 AM
* Team New Zealand want New Zealanders to know just how much they are
paying for the 2000 America's Cup. Not a cent, says Sir Peter Blake, unless
you buy a pair of his designer red socks.
He believes there is a public misconception that the cup defence is being
funded by government money. And he wants to put the record straight.
Guestimates on the Team New Zealand challenge budget in San Diego four
years ago were around $US20 million. Sir Peter said the defence would cost
more. He said the syndicate was broke at the end of 1995 and would be broke
again by March 2000. This time Team New Zealand have a bigger team and, he
reckons, a harder job to do. The bulk of funding to run the cup event comes
from the corporate world. Both Team New Zealand and the match organisers,
AC2000, now have their sponsors in place. Computer corporation Compaq
yesterday completed AC2000's "family of five."
AC2000 say 90 per cent of the costs to run the match in February and March
next year come from the sponsors. The other 10 per cent is from merchandise
and the television rights.
Team New Zealand say they still need help from the public's wallets and
purses. The red socks sales drive will kick in again before Christmas.
Proceeds will go to Team New Zealand to help them to buy things for the
boats, like sails, a keel and a few more back-up sailors. -- Suzanne
McFadden, New Zealand Herald
For the full story:
* Kimo Worthington, New York Yacht Club/Young America Sailing Team
Manager, will present "Destination New Zealand" at Block Island Race Week
June 24 at the Narragansett Inn on Block Island. Race Week sailors are
invited to attend Worthington's update on the team's plans for winning the
America's Cup.
Worthington will show images from the team's recent training and testing on
the America's Cup race course in Auckland, New Zealand. Worthington will
describe the exciting action that visitors to New Zealand can expect when
Cup racing begins October 18 in Auckland with the Louis Vuitton Cup,
Challenger Races for the America's Cup. Worthington and the NYYC/Young
America team will race against 14 Challengers from around the world in that
series. The winner of the Louis Vuitton Cup will face New Zealand in the
final America's Cup Match beginning February 19, 2000.
A four-time America's Cup veteran and Whitbread Round The World Race
sailor, Worthington is a member of the NYYC/Young America Challenge sailing
team for America's Cup 2000. In addition to serving as sailing team manager
and as a member of the racing team afterguard, Worthington's
responsibilities include serving as sailing coach and trial horse helmsman
as required, liaison to design team, and rules coordinator for the sailing
Worthington's talk is from 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Space is limited. Please call
for to reserve tickets. Tickets to the event are $20 and will be available
either in advance or at Race Week on June 23 at the Race Week awards tent.
For information, please call Rand Milton at the NYYC/Young America office
at (207) 774-7880, ext. 227. - Jane Eagleson, Young America
NYYC/Young America website:
Durability counts -- particularly when you're sailing around the world by
yourself. Just ask Giovanni Soldini, the winner of the Around Alone Race.
His boat Fila was the only boat to finish the Around Alone race without
major sail problems. Of course winning sails have to be more than just
durable -- they must be fast. Soldini had plenty of speed -- he knocked
more than five days off the previous record for the 27,000-mile course.
Giovanni Soldini had a full inventory of Ullman Sails. Isn't it time you
learned more about Ullman Sails?
The Inter-Collegiate Yacht Racing Association of North America (ICYRA) has
announced the members of its 1999 All-America Sailing Team sponsored by
Ronstan. Members are named to the team as All-Americans, Women's
All-Americans and/or All-American Crews. In all, 60 athletes were
recognized. The names of 1999 honorees will be added to the permanent
ICYRA Hall of Fame display located in the Robert Crown Center at the U.S.
Naval Academy (Annapolis, Md.). -- Barby MacGowan, Media Pro Int'l
COLLEGE SAILOR OF THE YEAR (Everett B. Morris Trophy) Mark Ivey,
(Huntington Beach, Calif.) St. Mary's College; SPORTSMAN OF THE YEAR
(Robert H. Hobbs Trophy) Stan Schreyer (Woodbury, N.J.) Boston University;
TEAM OF THE YEAR (Leonard M. Fowle Memorial Trophy) Tufts Universtiy,
Medford, Mass.
ALL-AMERICANS: Jon Baker, San Diego, Calif. Tufts University '99; Dalton
Bergan, Seattle, Wash. University of Southern California '00; Adam Burns,
Youngstown, N.Y. Old Dominion University '01; David Dabney, Mobile, Ala.
College of Charleston '99; Dan Herliky, S. Dartmouth, Mass. Dartmouth
College '00; Mark Ivey, Huntington Beach, Calif. St. Mary's College '99;
Anthony Kotoun, St. Thomas, USVI St. Mary's College '00; Daniel Meade, New
Orleans, La. University of Southern California '00; Colin Merrick,
Portsmouth, R.I. Hobart/William Smith '01; Ty Reed, San Diego, Calif. St.
Mary's College '00; Eugene Schmitt, Pass Christian, Miss. U.S. Naval
Academy '99; Stan Schreyer, Woodbury, N.J. Boston University '99; Kyle
Shattuck, Annapolis, Md. Tufts University '99 Brian Stanford, San Diego,
Calif. Boston University '99; Peter Strothman, Excelsior, Minn. Harvard
University '99; Christian Taubman, Nedlands, Australia Harvard University
'00; Kevin Teborek, Winnetka, Ill. Hobart/William Smith College '00; Mark
Zagol, Plymouth, Mass. Old Dominion University '99.
Honorable Mention All-Americans: Grant Garcia, Annapolis, Md. U.S. Naval
Academy '00; Andrew Herlihy, S. Dartmouth, Mass. Georgetown University '99;
Casey Hogan, Newport Harbor, Calif. Dartmouth University '99; Talbott
Ingram, Fairhaven, Conn. Hobart/William Smith College '00; Charlie Siegal,
S. Dartmouth, Mass. Tufts University '99; Wade Tornyos, New Orleans, La.
U.S. Naval Academy '00; Gerret Van Duyne, Hutchinson, Kansas College of
Charleston '00.
WOMEN'S ALL-AMERICANS: Liz Bent, Gloucester, Mass. Georgetown University
'99; Margaret Gill, Weston, Mass. Harvard University '02 Kaya Haig,
Honalulu, Hawaii Boston University '01; Casey Hogan, Newport Beach, Calif.
Dartmouth College '99; Caitlin MacAllister, Barnstable, Mass. Tufts
University '99; Erin Maxwell, Stonington, Conn. Dartmouth College '01; Jen
Provan, Toronto, Canada Tufts University '01.
Honorable Mention Women's All-Americans: Sarah Giambra, Rochester, N.Y.
College of Charleston '99; Jessica Lackey, Houston, Texas Mass. Institute
of Technology '00; Ery Largay, Osterville, Mass. Connecticut College '99;
Anika Leerssen, Newport, R.I. Stanford University '00; Jen Morgan, Seattle,
Wash. Dartmouth College '02; Heather Porter, Newport Beach, Calif. Stanford
University '01; Katie Prigmore, Tustin, Calif. St. Mary's College '00; Liz
Willis, Chicago, Ill. Boston University '99.
ALL-AMERICAN CREW: Joanna Adamczak, Santa Barbara, Calif. Univ. of Calif.
(Santa Barbara) '99; Maria Alsina, New Brunswick, N.J. U.S. Naval Academy
'99; Katie Behan, Rochester, N.Y. Hobart/William Smith '01; Richard Bell,
Hingham, Mass. Boston University '99; Allison Bessette, Dartmouth, Mass.
Hobart/William Smith '00; Meghan Boardman, Marblehead, Mass. Tufts
University '99; Kim Creager, Suffolk, Va. St. Mary's College '99; Molly
Curtiss, Lake Forest, Calif. St. Mary's College '00; Jessi Dimock,
Brookline, Mass. Tufts University '99; Megan Edwards, Marion, Mass. Tufts
University '00; Brian Fox, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. Harvard University '99;
Katie Lyndon, Greenwich, Conn. Dartmouth College '01; Amanda McClelland,
Barrington, R.I. College of Charleston '00; Erin Myers, Norwood, Mass.
Dartmouth College '00; Lana Oh, Columbia, Md. St. Mary's College '00;
Heather Pescatello, Westerly, R.I. Univ. of Rhode Island/Old Dominion '00;
Lora Saunders, Richmond, Va. Old Dominion University '00; Samantha Taylor,
Barrington, Ill. College of Charleston '00; Lauren Toretta, Greenwich,
Conn. Harvard University '00; Leah Williams, Dartmouth, Mass. Georgetown
University '02.
For more information, visit
Letters selected to be printed here are routinely edited for clarity, space
(250 words max) or to exclude personal attacks.
-- From Kip Meadows -- I agree with John Sweeny's comments regarding owner
driver rules in general. Given the problems with the Category 1,2,3 system
as it sits, as soon as owners start having `substitute' drivers, the whole
system will start to collapse.
The Farr 40 and 1D35 classes both have got the proper system, after seeing
some trial and error in other classes result in big mistakes. The best way
to improve your sailing is to have a coach like Terry Hutchinson, John
Bertrand, Larry Leonard or Brad Read standing behind you calling tactics
and critiquing your steering. The resulting improvements by all
owner/helmsmen in the 1D35 has been noticeable, not only with sailing
performance but also with the smiles seen on the dock.
-- From Craig Leweck -- Even though Craig Fletcher still can not steer in
the Farr 40 class, he should take some solace in seeing the Newport Gold
Regatta results. With all the accomplishments Augie Diaz has achieved in
the Snipe, Star, J-24, etc., and in that he was allowed to steer Edgar
Cato's Farr 40 to a class victory, Craig's stock must be sky high.
-- From Peter Huston -- Fletcher's revenge - he sells some of his internet
investments and buys his own Farr 40. Now, Farr owners, would you rather
have Fletcher gain a full vote at your table, or just be an occassional
driver? Beware the persistent man...
--From Dobbs Davis -- Another thought to add on the J/120's viability for
the Lipton Cup (or any other competitive event for that matter): The
curmudgeon will recall how we struggled in St Thomas at the Marriott
Frenchman's Reef match race event last December with those huge
asymmetrical spinnakers. Often the outcomes of the matches were determined
by how the pro-level crews at this Grade 1 match race event could set,
gybe, and douse these things. The myth that they are "easy" to handle was
shredded, like the sails were under the keels of the competing boats.
-- From ISAF President Paul Henderson (re Roberts Eger's comments in 'Butt
#340) -- I specifically stated MAJOR Regattas not just racing 30 days a
year. Major means World or Continental Championships or equivalent. As I
travel around the World I find fewer and fewer sailors are travelling out
of their own region and therefore local racing out of clubs is becoming
more significant again like it was when we had no $$$ in the 60's.
The classes which appear to be growing locally are multi-crewed keelboats
which last and where women are encouraged to participate. Good used boats
are a key and there are many such classes like Sonars, J-24, Dragons,
Etchells, Ynglings, Ensigns, Shocks, Scows, IOD's, Bullseyes etc. (etc
means I am sorry I forgot your class) The result is that the "Grand Prix
Racing" is getting more rarefied with the same faces competing.
I find the club racing growth healthy which means the growth of sailing is
more focused on participation and the local Clubs which has always been the
foundation on which Sailing is built. Hopefully we can address
constructively the positive challenges now evolving. This in my opinion why
some are trying to limit the Pros and why we must also find a comfortable
niche for those who want to derive their income from Sailing.
The maxi-catamaran Explorer, co-skippered by Bruno Peyron and the American
Skip Novak is in the grip of the storm under reduced sail. The speed is
still high and the router Pierre Lasnier, when consulted this morning
confirmed that the conditions should not ease, and could even reach gale
force tonight. Even if the crew were tempted to lift off a bit, there won't
be too many chances, because they would soon be caught up by the front of
the low and would no longer have a fair wind.
Elena Caputo: "It's like riding a wild horse. At full speed, Explorer is
bucking all over the place, as if she were trying to escape. Steering
demands a lot of concentration. If you point the boat a bit too high into
the wind, she tends to shoot off at uncontrollable speed. This is exactly
what happened at the last change of watch, when Frederic Le Peutrec
replaced Skip Novak at the helm. I was down below and was literally thrown
out of my berth. The night is very black and waves are submerging the hulls."
"While the route is a little anachronistic (not far from the Azores), it is
not far off what we planned, just a bit further south. However Explorer
will continue to notch up more than 500 miles per 24 hours for the next
three days to come and could be climbing up Jet's transoms after 5 days
racing." Pierre Lasnier said
Explorer is attempting to break the speed record for an Atlantic Crossing
between New York and the Lizard (south westerly point of England).
Follow the progress:
Fair winds and three nights of parties with the Hooters and Corona
girls--sailors will think they all died and went to Long Beach. It's the
20th annual Long Beach Race Week June 18-20, hosted by the user-friendly
Long Beach YC, now hailing OCS starters. Sponsors Mount Gay Rum, Ullman
Sails, Corona, Iridium, Hooters, Patagonia, West Marine, PacBell and Farr
International assure all a good time. Marina Shipyard is providing a $1,000
gift certificate for the Leukemia Cup Regatta boat of the week. Entry forms
and other info:
The Inter-Collegiate Yacht Racing Association (ICYRA) of North America, the
governing authority for sailing competition at colleges and universities
throughout the U.S. and Canada, has inducted Matthew Gregory of Farmington
Hills, Mich., and Captain William Hurst, USNA ret., of Hanover, N.H., into
the ICYRA Hall of Fame. Gregory was cited for his student leadership, while
Hurst was recognized for his outstanding service to ICYRA. Both names will
be added to the permanent ICYRA Hall of Fame display located in the Robert
Crown Center at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md.
Matthew Gregory, a 1999 graduate from the University of Michigan, is the
first collegiate sailor to receive the newly established ICYRA Student
Leadership Award, which recognizes an undergraduate for outstanding
leadership achievement at the district or national level. "The award was
established specifically because undergraduates, in most cases, still are
the motivating force behind the success of college programs," said ICYRA
Executive Director Mike Horn of Cobalt, Conn. In his freshman year, Gregory
began building a small group of UM club racers into a distinguished racing
team. Committed to development, he created funding sources for team travel
and guidelines for team selection and Board administration. As team
captain in his junior year, he helped create a high school recruiting
regatta and a program for publicizing this and his team to UM sailing team
alumni, Great Lakes region yacht clubs and area businesses. He has
personally sailed in almost 60 collegiate regattas since his freshman year
and competed this year in the ICYRA Coed Singlehanded, Sloop and Team Race
Championships. "Before Matt came," said teammate Kathleen Clark, "there
were only 10 part-time sailors on the team. There were no organized
practices, and the treasury consisted of a shoebox with crumpled up money.
Now there are 40 active members, 12 boats at practice twice a week, and
formal recruiting, fund raising and communication plans. It should be
evident by our progress that Matt has been a great leader."
Captain William Hurst, USNA ret., was chosen for 23 years of service to the
Dartmouth College sailing program. He first came to Dartmouth in 1969 to
run the Navy ROTC program. The student body of Dartmouth was in a rage over
the country's involvement in Vietnam and faced Captain Hurst with much
opposition. When the ROTC program failed three years later, Captain Hurst
remained at Dartmouth to help the sailing team on a volunteer basis. He
cleaned up the sailing facility, which was in total disarray, organized the
team, began raising money and managed to get the team recognized by the
school. The endowment he created enables the team to continue building on
its success. "As Captain Hurst guided the Dartmouth team, giving 100% of
his time, it enabled other sailing teams in northern New England to grow
and develop as well," said Dartmouth Head Sailing Coach Pete Spaulding.
"He showed many teams that anything was possible. All it took was a lot of
work, dedication and some alumni support." In 1992, Captain Hurst's last
year at the helm, the Dartmouth sailing team won the National Women's
Dinghy and the National Coed Dinghy Championships. The team now competes
in over 90 regattas a year, hosts an average of eight regattas a year and
provides a practice site for many teams. -- Barby MacGowan, Media Pro Int'l
For more information, visit
Why is there an expiration date on the sour cream container?