SCUTTLEBUTT #265 - January 26, 1999
AMERICA'S CUP -- Report from Paul Cayard, AmericaOne Syndicate
AmericaOne's first America's Cup yacht has been issued number USA 49 by Ken
McAlpine, Technical Director of the International America's Cup Class. USA
49 was also the number of our first 12-meter in the 1987 America's Cup
Challenge on behalf of the St. Francis Yacht Club.
I often think back to that challenge and the competitive spirit of my
friend and skipper Tom Blackaller and his refusal to bow to overwhelming
hurdles in his path. Further back, those who came to California to
participate in the Gold Rush of 1849 faced many challenges and personal
sacrifices. They were called the 49er's. The tradition of that spirit,
which is at the core of the founding of the state of California, is carried
into battle every year by the San Francisco football team of the same name.
Tom Blackaller and I were both born and raised in San Francisco. Our
sailing talents are products of the waters of entire Bay and those against
whom we sailed. We each represented San Francisco all over the world for
over 30 years at the top of our sport, each at our own time. As in 1987
for Tom, AmericaOne is for me, my chance to put on my best performance for
my hometown. Needless to say, I am motivated. It is fitting that our boat
be numbered USA 49. - Paul Cayard
AmericaOne website: http://www.ac2000.org/
The 2001-2002 Volvo Round The World Ocean Race will be surrounded by a
four-year communication and media plan that will promote sailing in general
and the Volvo Ocean Race in particular. The extensive implementation plan
- In partnership with Eurosport, Volvo Event Management will produce an
annual sailing magazine series covering all aspects of the sport, from
grand prix ocean Racing, to sailboards and including features on training,
boat building, and youth sailing. The series will start this coming May,
and will continue up to the next Volvo Ocean Race.
- Development of partnerships with broadcasters in the major markets for
the scheduling of highlights television, with production and programming
coordinated by Volvo Event Management's own executive producer to ensure
quality and consistency.
- The Volvo Event Management video library is currently being established
and it will carry an enormous range of past and current pictures of ocean
sailing. It is no ordinary archive, it is a pro-active resource available
not just for skippers, syndicates, sponsors, but for TV programme
producers, news editors, journalists and writers.
- The development at Volvo Ocean Race Headquarters of an operations room
with TV, radio and web site production facilities to produce news material
of the Volvo Ocean Race 24 hours a day, giving news coverage a higher
profile with a proactive distribution strategy.
- Continue the stunning success of the Web site in the previous race, with
the launch of www.VolvoOceanRace.org as a "low key" site which will build
in complexity, functionality and content until it becomes fully operational
in the summer of 2001.
- Radio is seen as an under valued communication resource and linked to the
internet will become a significant contributor for the next race.
Co-ordinated from the Race HQ radio station, interviews will be arranged
for radio stations and news will be distributed through traditional
channels and published on the website.
- During the pre-race programme and the event itself, Volvo Event
Management will be actively promoting the Volvo Ocean Race throughout the
world in the print media. The substantial press facilities and resources
available throughout the Volvo Group will be harnessed to the full.
Newspapers and news agencies worldwide will be provided with news stories
on a regular basis supported by the very best still images.
- A concerted effort will be made to target the international lifestyle and
business magazine sector with fully illustrated features. This will be
viewed as part of the major drive to extend the awareness of The Volvo
Ocean Race to a broader public and not just a sporting audience. We will
be publishing our own magazine with the first issue available in July this
year. This will carry news and features about the race, it's sponsors and
it's syndicates and twelve issues will be published in total.
- The power of stills photography is very often underestimated but we
consider it to be a very important part of our media mix. With this in
mind, we will appoint a photographic partner that not only will be able to
provide the most dynamic pictures, but an agency that can distribute the
images worldwide on a proactive basis to newspapers and magazines. An
online archive will give picture editors the opportunity of browsing
through our images and making their own personal selections. The entire
photographic input will be carefully managed by Volvo Event Management to
ensure the images are of the very best quality and that proactive
distribution is immediate.
- It will be a mandatory requirement for each boat to carry a sophisticated
package of equipment to collect and transmit ashore media data, boat
performance information and environmental data.
- It is intended to create an educational programme around the race that is
centred on an marine environmental survey carried out by equipment onboard
the boats and by schools taking part, using the internet as the means of
distributing information and co-ordinating the programme. The scope of the
programme will be developed in 1999 in conjunction with educational
specialists and a number of renown universities oceanographic departments.
- During the years preceding the Volvo Ocean Race 2001-2002, the Volvo
Ocean 60s will be encourage to participate of in selected events, such as
the Royal Ocean Racing Club's Fastnet Race, by insuring that there will be
media coverage of the class. In addition, after 2002, Volvo Event
Management may organise trans-ocean races to ensure a four year program for
Volvo Ocean 60s that visits other countries than those involved with the
Volvo Ocean Race, Round The World.
- The promotion of youth sailing through sponsorship and the media coverage
of the major youth events such as ISAF Youth World Championships. The
objective is to elevate the stature of the events, giving young sailors
goals to aspire to and create an environment which will aid the development
of skills and provide a training ground for crews of future Volvo Ocean Races.
- The promotion of The Volvo Ocean Race at locations and events outside
the normal sailing environment such as International Motor Shows. -- Lizzie
It takes 40 minutes to hand seal every Douglas Gill Ocean GORE TEX jacket.
Excessive? Not if you want to insure the performance that experienced
sailors have come to expect from Gill. That's' why every single stitch is
guided by a human hand and every seam is hand sealed. Gill systems keep you
dry, keep you warm and are worth the price. Check out Gill's entire line of
sailing apparel: http://www.douglasgill.com
The ISAF website reported that there are eight bids submitted or pending
for the 2003 ISAF Combined Olympic Class World Championships. The bids are
from: Warnemunder Segel-Club, Warnemunder, Germany; Lubecker Yacht-Club e
V, Lubeck, Germany; Kieler Yacht Club, Kiel, Germany; Danish Sailing
Association, Broendby, Denmark - application for Aarhus; Real Club Nautico
Valencia, Valencia, Spain; Dubai International Marine Club, Dubai, United
Arab Emirates; Federacion Balear de Vela, Palma, Spain; and Real Federacion
Espanola de Vela, Madrid, Spain - application for Bay of Cadiz.
ISAF Website: http://www.sailing.org/
We read all of your letters, but simply can't publish them all. Those that
we do publish are routinely edited for clarity, space (250 words max) or to
exclude personal attacks.
-- From John Wright, US SAILING Offshore Director -- The US SAILING
Offshore Office wishes to confirm to your readers of "Scuttlebutt" that it
is our desire to provide the best possible service to the offshore sailor,
especially with regard to our special areas of administrative
responsibility; yacht handicapping and safety-at-sea.
We communicate with our constituents in many ways; by phone, mail, fax,
e-mail, our US SAILING member magazine AMERICAN SAILOR, and the Offshore
Office "Newsletter" sent directly to owners of IMS yachts. We send
measurement bulletins to IMS and US SAILING Certified Sail Measurers. We
offer several publications with information relevant to offshore sailing,
particularly with regard to IMS and PHRF handicapping as well as offshore
We respond to many questions and concerns daily - that is an important part
of what we do. For those who wish to contact us, we may be reached by
phone (401 683-0800), by fax (401 683-0800), and by e-mail
(USSAILING@compuserve.com). For anyone who wishes to contact me directly,
my phone extension is 664 and my e-mail address is
103147.3006@compuserve.com. I would be glad discuss whatever issues are
presented and forward them to the appropriate US SAILING committee for
further action, if desired.
--From Peter Huston -- US SAILING should not be concerned about the cost
of web site development. In fact, US SAILING shouldn't pay one nickle for
the cost of building or maintaining the web site. Rather, it is but one
element of the vastly under-utilized "inventory" that US SAILING has to
sell to a sponsor/advertiser. Rather, US SAILING should have someone pay
them for the honor of administering a first class web site that is both
informative and communicative.
Getting Scuttlebutt each morning is an invaluable service. It is the same
as having the Wall Street Journal delivered to my office each morning - if
I had to go to a newsstand to get that publication, I wouldn't read it.
Same with a web page - I'm not going to take the time log on every morning
- I prefer my information delivered to me every day.
US SAILING has never been particularly adept at communicating with it's
members, and "awful" in the way in which they communicate with non-members.
So, no matter what technology they employ, they still need a fundamental
ability to communicate with people. Communicate, not dictate.
-- From Craig Fletcher-- Frank Whitton is 100% correct on the communication
or lack there of in US SAILING. I offer the following example. John Wrights
column in the Feb. issue of the American Sailor is devoted to IMS non
spinnaker. Why? Are there not bigger problems than this? I had the
privilege to race the NYYC cruise last summer in the non spinnaker class.
On the first run we flew two headsails wing and wing. We were protest by a
very important member of US SAILING and the NYYC. He lost the protest and
was very upset. He now complains to the IMS technical committee ( Allan
Andrews is on the committee and told me the issue came from the cruise) the
rule is changed and we move on.
This is a textbook example of "THE OLD BOY NETWORK" at work. No discussion
outside of the committee, no input from the owners, just one very
interested party who want a change. Never mind the VPP's do not work or IMS
numbers are on the decline lets waste time on a meaningless issue generated
by a single owner. USS reminds me of the weatherman who reported it sunny
without looking outside to see it raining, can they not see IMS is going
the way of IOR. If USS does not start asking what the sailors want it will
be the next IOR.
-- From John Collins -- I don't think that Frank Whitton is questioning the
correct office/person in his quest for knowledge about IMS. I think he
should be discussing this with the IMS Committee Chairman. The Offshore
Director works by direction. He should not be asked leading questions about
the politics of the IMS rule.
--From Jesse Falsone -- After reading Gary Jobson's latest 'Sailing World'
article ("Can the American's Win Back the Cup?", Feb 1999), I am still at
odds with the premise of the event as a "friendly competition between
foreign nations". With so many competitors not sailing with their native
country, can the America's Cup still be billed as such? I wonder if its
really a matter of national pride anymore. If the US should win, will all
those Kiwis on American teams wave the Stars and Stripes down New York's
Canyon of Heroes?
Next stop on the Transpac YC's promotional tour is a Hawaiian Buffet Dinner
at Marina del Rey's California Yacht Club on Thursday, January 28. Vintage
films and video of this classic's colorful history will be followed by
speakers Dave Ullman, Brad Avery, John Jourdane, Roy and Roy Pat Disney.
Father and son Disney will have pictures of their new R/P 74 finishing
completion and their strategy aimed at breaking the current records held by
the SC70 TurboSled, PYEWACKET. Call 310/823-4567 for reservations. $20
includes dinner, taxes, gratuity and parking. No host bar - 6:00 PM, films
- 6:30 PM, dinner and program - 7:00 PM. - Frank Gleberman
Transpac '99 website: http://www.transpacificyc.org/
During the Auckland stopover of the Around Alone Race, the
quokka.aroundalone.com Virtual Race shore-crew has been working tirelessly
to make needed game repairs and to prepare this perilous leg for
participants. Here's your chance to test your sailing skills against the
Southern Ocean. You'll make crucial decisions about food provisioning,
sleeping versus sailing time, boat design, and plot your course with the
same whether information the skippers receive.
Challenge a few friends and race to Punta del Este, a scant 5,960 miles
from Auckland. Registration for Leg 3 of the Virtual Race will only be
open until 4 February at 18:00 GMT. Register at:
And be sure your desktop is been battened down, it's going to be a wild
ride around Cape Horn.
In listing the West Coast 'overachievers' at KWRW we inadvertently left off
the Ely family's San Diego-based SC 52 Elyxir that took 4th in the PHRF I
class, despite having to sail through the Farr 40 fleet in every race.
Crowds of over hundred people waved goodbye to Hans Bouscholte and Gerard
Navarin as they set off for the transatlantic crossing from Dakar to
Guadeloupe. Hopefully on their way to the world record: crossing the
Atlantic Ocean in less than 18 days and 22 hours ... in an open 19 foot
catamaran, without assistance.
The red 19 FOOT NACRA was launched into almost perfect conditions. A twenty
knot northeasterly wind took the pair towards the starting line, just off
the Island of Goree (the former slave island off the African coast). The
official start time of 12.34 GMT was recorded by Commandant De Baelman,
commander of the French troops in Senegal, and will be ratified by the
World Sailing Speed Record Council.
If all goes well, the team hopes to break the world record set in 1986 by
Frenchman Daniel Pradel and Australian Tony Laurent, by anything up to
three days. Circumstances permitting, Bouscholte will have contact with the
press centre in Holland via the satellite telephone once a day. The latest
news, updates and their position will be posted daily on the: website:
The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said.
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