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Scuttlebutt Poll:

Is it Championship or Championships?
July 14-15, 2010

This might seem like a minor question, but we all have work-related issues that need clarification. At Scuttlebutt World Headquarters (SWH), we track countless events and report on those that seem most relevant. This time of year there are a lot of National, North American, and World titles being contested. So here is the BIG question:

Is it Championship or Championships?

Here is the typical sentence: “The 2010 Ultimate 20 North American Championships will be held at Lake Dillon, Colorado on August 2-4.”

The question is if it is correct to use ‘Championship’ in the plural. SWH does not mean to single out the Ultimate 20 class, as in all honesty most reports use ‘Championship’ in the plural. Maybe that is because it should be. But if there is only one championship going on at Lake Dillon, Colorado on August 2-4, should it be plural?

SWH sought out the advice of the 'buttheads to the question: Should ‘Championship’ be singular or plural if there is only one event occurring? Here were the results:

82% - Singular ('Championship')
18% - Plural ('Championships')

There were many comments provided, with most agreeing with the following rule of thumb:

Championship: If only one title is being contested at the event.
Championships: If more than one title is being contested at the event (ie, Open, Junior, Master, Womens, etc.).

Click here to read all the comments.

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