NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS Disclaimer: These data are based upon the latest information available as of the date of your request, and may differ from the published tide tables. Daily Tide Prediction StationName: SAN FRANCISCO State: CA Stationid: 9414290 Prediction Type: Harmonic From: 20130817 12:00AM - 20130818 11:59PM Units: Feet Time Zone: LST/LDT Datum: MLLW Interval Type: High/Low Tide Predictions Date Day Time Pred High/Low 2013/08/17 Sat 02:55 AM -0.24 L 2013/08/17 Sat 10:09 AM 4.62 H 2013/08/17 Sat 02:42 PM 2.61 L 2013/08/17 Sat 09:01 PM 6.61 H 2013/08/18 Sun 03:48 AM -0.54 L 2013/08/18 Sun 10:56 AM 4.99 H 2013/08/18 Sun 03:42 PM 2.31 L 2013/08/18 Sun 10:00 PM 6.76 H