SYRF Fundraiser in February to Match New Challenge
Published on December 19th, 2013
(December 19, 2013) – The Sailing Yacht Research Foundation (SYRF) announced today that it will host an invitation-only fundraising dinner on the evening of February 8th, 2014 to solicit donations to match its second $100,000 challenge grant to support research in the science of performance sailing. The event will be held in at a venue to be determined soon in San Diego, California, and will feature short presentations made by prominent yacht designers, technologists and sailors involved directly and indirectly in SYRF-funded research.
These include the 34th America’s Cup Director of Technology Stan Honey, offshore and America’s Cup multihull designer Gino Morelli, HPR founder and sailor Steve Benjamin, world-class navigator and strategist Peter Isler, offshore sailing educator Rich Wilson, and others.
Already $35,000 has been raised towards this next challenge grant offered by a generous anonymous donor, which follows on a successful match made earlier this year at SYRF’s fundraising event at Stamford Yacht Club in January. Funds from this and other donations have helped support SYRF programs, such as the Wide Light Boats research program, an educational program designed to nurture future talent in yacht design, the development of the High Performance Rule (HPR), and the establishment of a Research Library for test tank, aero and CFD-generated data to be made available for future research and design
“SYRF has a vital role in fostering our knowledge of the performance traits of offshore yachts,” says SYRF Board member Stan Honey. “The America’s Cup this year proved how technology can captivate and inspire the important roles it plays in performance sailing, and SYRF is ready to help support this effort in non-America’s Cup arenas. The enthusiasm and success we’ve had with SYRF-funded projects thusfar makes us confident we can find the donations to match this challenge grant in February.”
“We offer several ways for those interested in supporting the mission of SYRF,” said Executive Director Bjorn Johnson. “Funds can be established for endowment, for any operational tasks, for named endowments, and for special projects, such as HPR. All are tax-deductible, and will make a difference in providing support to efforts made to develop fun, fair and safe offshore sailing.”
For more information on SYRF – its mission, projects and options for donation – visit
Source: Dobbs Davis, HPR Communications