Head Out of the Boat Day at St Pete NOOD

Published on February 13th, 2016

St. Petersburg, FL (February 13, 2016) – Favorable conditions yielded a full day of racing for nearly 1,000 sailors in 13 classes competing at the second day of the Helly Hansen NOOD Regatta series on Tampa Bay. Shifting winds and multiple races for the one-design boats continued as a face-off for the top spot in the series championship down in the BVIs gets closer.

“It was some really challenging conditions out there today. There’s a lot of gear changing, the wind is up and down the angles are all over the place,” said Sonar class sailor Rick Doerr, skipper of Valiant. “The real challenging part was to just keep the boat going – you had to keep your head out of the boat and see what the competition was doing. A lot of times you’d want to lead a pack out of the corner, but sometimes you just couldn’t do that until that next pressure. If you did that correctly, you could make huge gains, but if you couldn’t then they wound up on you. A few times, we were caught on the outside, and we had to work hard make the distance back up.”

Valiant currently sits in first with a score of 19. In second, Andrew Fisher’s crew onboard, Bandit, trails by two points, while Canadian Paul Tingley’s CAN 835 is in third place with 22 points. The team aboard Valiant is currently in the midst of trials to secure themselves a berth on the US Paralympic Sailing team for the Paralympics in Rio in September of this year.

Doerr added, “It’s a tough fleet, we have a lot of good sailors. We have a Paralympic gold medalist, a couple of world championships, and the recent world cup champion. For the Paralympic teams that are here, it’s a benefit to sail against each other and against the able-bodied teams. We have to take our racing practice where we can get it, and having good teams as markers to practice against is valuable. We’re challenging them as much as they’re challenging us. St. Pete is like my second home, and Gene Hinckle has been such a great proponent of disabled sailing. He moves boats around for us and even set up all the whisker poles for the entire sonar fleet this weekend.”

He closed out stating, “This happens to be our regatta, and it’s game on tomorrow.”

NOOD Premier Sponsor, North Sails, presented awards to its Rally Race winner, as well as the best performing local boat. A newer feature the regatta series, the North Sails rally encourages local competitors to participate in a low-key day of racing for one day only, with a long distance race within the Bay. Shazaam, skippered by Roger Gatewood, sailed the PHRF 1 class on Friday. Today, he and his crew took home first place in the Rally Race Spinaker Division.

“The start of the race was awkward because we didn’t start properly. The sequence began early and we didn’t realize – we were about 2 minutes behind with some other boats which made it interesting. We started bare-headed and had to put our kite up and get going,” said Brian Wassmunt, crew member aboard Shazaam. “Today we were fully crewed and performed much better. We sailed in the PHRF 1 class yesterday, but with this boat, it’s much better in distance. Between turning and dipping, the windward-leeward is tough with the big boat.”

Trailing Gatewood’s crew was Jeff Russo’s Intrepid, followed in third by Crescendo, skippered by Jeffrey Walden.

Wassmunt added, “Two things went well for us -The Intrepid was with us until the last leg. They were ahead of us, but every rounding we gained about three boat lengths on them. The last leg was the most defining for us -it got light and we laid a line form really far out. A lot of the other boats weren’t’ able to lay the line, and it started getting shifty when we finished. And then, Wing it got stuck in a huge hole at the last leg and we gained distance with a little bit of luck.”

Staci Reed, crew member aboard Shazaam said, “Practicing on the buoys yesterday made our sets and jibes much smoother today. The muscle memory was there. We did six sets and douses yesterday, and two or three jibes per leg, so it helped the back keep everything working today.”

The final awards will be presented on Sunday, February 14, at the culmination of the event. The overall winner in St. Pete will receive a trip to the British Virgin Islands to compete in the Helly Hansen NOOD Championship Regatta, hosted by Sunsail.

Event details – Scoreboard

Day Two Results:

Sonar (One Design – 9 Boats)
1. Valiant, USA1, Rick Doerr – 2 -3 -4 -1 -1 -4 -4 ; 19
2. Bandit, USA810, Andrew Fisher – 5 -2 -2 -2 -2 -7 -1 ; 21
3. CAN 835, CAN835, Paul Tingley – 3 -1 -1 -7 -3 -1 -6 ; 22
4. Tantrum, GBR748, Hannah Stodel – 1 -10 -3 -3 -4 -3 -3 ; 27
5. Spare Part, GBR747, Steven Palmer – 6 -5 -5 -4 -5 -2 -5 ; 32
6. Warrior Sailing Team , USATBD, Sammy Lugo – 4 -6 -7 -5 -7 -5 -7 ; 41
7. Pingrrrrr, USA774, Susan Davidson – 9 -7 -6 -8 -9 -6 -2 ; 47
8. Misfit Toy Island Express, USA2, Ann Sager – 7 -4 -8 -6 -8 -9 -9 ; 51
9. If, IRL8, Eugene Hinkel – 8 -8 -9 -9 -6 -8 -8 ; 56

J/24 (One Design – 8 Boats)
1. HoneyBadger, USA5432, Travis Odenbach – 1 -1 -3 -1 -2 -3 -1 ; 12
2. Siesta, JPN5179, Nobuyuki Imai – 2 -2 -1 -2 -1 -5 -2 ; 15
3. Sea Bags Sailing Team, USA2785, Carter White – 3 -3 -2 -4 -5 -2 -3 ; 22
4. J-Peas, USA451, Paul Anstey – 5 -4 -6 -5 -3 -4 -4 ; 31
5. Fat Lady, USA4159, David Mendelblatt – 6 -6 -5 -3 -6 -1 -5 ; 32
6. 2XS, USA3962, Mark Soya – 4 -5 -4 -6 -4 -7 -6 ; 36
7. WOODJCHUCK, CAN3880, Matthew Jeffs – 7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -6 -7 ; 48
8. Shock Wave, USA2535, Seth Rosenthal – 9 -9 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 ; 58

Lightning (One Design – 10 Boats)
1. Bad Larry , USA15255, Michael Zonnenberg – 1 -1 -6 -4 -1 -1 -4 ; 18
2. I’d Rather Be Lucky, USA14777, Eric Oetgen – 5 -3 -4 -2 -2 -2 -1 ; 19
3. Somethind Good, USA14866, Bill Mauk – 2 -7 -1 -1 -4 -5 -3 ; 23
4. Flying Circus, USA15512, Mark Allen – 8 -2 -5 -3 -3 -6 -2 ; 29
5. Go Broncos!, USA15265, Steven Davis – 4 -4 -2 -6 -7 -8 -6 ; 37
6. Still Running with Scissors, USA14044, Bill Wiggins – 7 -6 -3 -5 -8 -3 -7 ; 39
7. 14520, USA14520, Fisk Hayden – 3 -5 -7 -8 -6 -7 -8 ; 44
8. Rudy, USA14176, Willi Hofmeister – 6 -9 -8 -7 -5 -4 -5 ; 44
9. 15180, USA15180, Pamela Burke – 9 -8 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 ; 62
10. Gen 5, USA14748, Jeffrey Hayden – 11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 ; 77

A Cats (One Design – 24 Boats)
1. el Presidente, USA*320, White, Bailey – 1 -1 -1 -3 -3 -1 ; 10
2. Hall Spars, USA*99, Hall, Ben – 3 -4 -3 -1 -1 -4 ; 16
3. ShackAttack, AUS*192, Marshack, Ken – 5 -5 -4 -2 -4 -3 ; 23
4. Exploder A14, USA*230, Hodges, Bob – 2 -3 -7 -5 -2 -6 ; 25
5. Bello, USA*357, Bello, Joseph – 8 -2 -2 -4 -8 -2 ; 26
6. Fabbys Xmas Gift, USA*342, Romey, Dustin – 9 -6 -9 -8 -5 -7 ; 44
7. OH Rodgers, USA*73, Rodgers, OH – 4 -8 -8 -6 -11 -9 ; 46
8. Kiwi Magic, NZL*268, Burdett, Andrew – 7 -7 -6 -10 -10 -8 ; 48
9. Last Year’s Model, USA*108, Orr, Bob – 12 -12 -14 -9 -7 -13 ; 67
10. A-Cat, USA*358, Vandenoever, Tony – 13 -9 -11 -13 -14 -11 ; 71
11. Homey, USA*310, Cope, Woody – 10 -13 -25 -16 -6 -5 ; 75
12. Woodscraft, CAN*44, Woods, Larry – 6 -10 -5 -7 -25 -25 ; 78
13. Niki, USA*309, Vining, Bill – 11 -11 -10 -11 -12 -25 ; 80
14. Full Circle, USA*293, Roth, Ronald – 15 -14 -13 -15 -13 -10 ; 80
15. I dont’ name boats under 40ft, USA*290, Skeels, Mark – 14 -25 -25 -12 -9 -12 ; 97
16. 18karat, USA*347, Cerf, Emmanuel – 16 -16 -16 -19 -17 -14 ; 98
17. SteadyState, USA*332, Back, Terry – 24 -15 -12 -18 -15 -25 ; 109
18. No Name, USA*308, Mitchell Warren – 25 -25 -15 -14 -16 -25 ; 120
19. Entendre, USA*361, Rubin, Greg – 24 -25 -25 -17 -25 -15 ; 131
20. USA 369, USA*369, Jordan, Boyd – 25 -25 -25 -20 -25 -25 ; 145
21. Hallspars Barracude 2, USA*143, Herendeen, Mark – 24 -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 ; 149
22. Zhik USA, USA*294, Krantz, Mike – 24 -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 ; 149
23. ReBo #1, USA*22, Boyle, Ryan – 24 -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 ; 149
24. Furious, USA*231, Bird, Rush – 24 -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 ; 149

A Cats Classic (One Design – 10 Boats)
1. Hall Spars, USA99, Ben Hall – 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 ; 7
2. ShackAttack, AUS192, Ken Marshack – 2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 ; 11
3. Fabbys Xmas Gift, USA342, Dustin Romey – 3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 ; 18
4. Last Year’s Model, USA108, Bob Orr – 4 -4 -5 -4 -4 -4 ; 25
5. SteadyState, USA332, Terry Back – 11 -5 -4 -7 -5 -11 ; 43
6. No Name, USA308, Warren Mitchell – 11 -11 -6 -5 -6 -11 ; 50
7. Entendre, USA361, Greg Rubin – 11 -11 -11 -6 -11 -5 ; 55
8. USA 369, USA369, Boyd Jordan – 11 -11 -11 -8 -11 -11 ; 63
9. ReBo #1, USA22, Ryan Boyle – 11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 ; 66
10. Furious, USA231, Rush Bird (M) – 11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 ; 66

A Cats Foiling (One Design – 14 Boats)
1. el Presidente, USA320, Bailey White – 1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 ; 7
2. Exploder A14, USA230, Bob Hodges – 2 -3 -5 -3 -1 -4 ; 18
3. Joseph Bello, USA357, Joseph Bello – 6 -2 -2 -2 -4 -2 ; 18
4. Kiwi Magic, NZL268, Andrew Burdett – 5 -4 -4 -6 -6 -5 ; 30
5. OH Rodgers, USA73, OH Rodgers – 3 -5 -6 -4 -7 -6 ; 31
6. Homey, USA310, Woody Cope – 7 -9 -15 -11 -3 -3 ; 48
7. Woodscraft, CAN44, Larry Woods – 4 -7 -3 -5 -15 -15 ; 49
8. A-Cat, USA358, Tony Vandenoever – 9 -6 -8 -9 -10 -8 ; 50
9. Niki, USA309, Bill Vining – 8 -8 -7 -7 -8 -15 ; 53
10. Full Circle, USA293, Ronald Roth – 11 -10 -9 -10 -9 -7 ; 56
11. I dont’ name boats under 40ft, USA290, Mark Skeels (M) – 10 -15 -15 -8 -5 -9 ; 62
12. 18karat, USA347, Emmanuel Cerf – 12 -11 -10 -12 -11 -10 ; 66
13. Hallspars Barracuda 2, USA143, Mark Herendeen – 15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 ; 90
14. Zhik USA, USA294, Mike Krantz – 15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 ; 90

J/70 (One Design – 23 Boats)
1. Sea Bags Sailing Team, USA248, Will Welles – 2 -1 -2 -1 -8 -2 -2 ; 18
2. Stampede, USA086, Bruno Pasquinelli – 5 -5 -1 -5 -2 -1 -1 ; 20
3. Savasana, USA96, Brian Keane – 1 -4 -3 -3 -7 -6 -3 ; 27
4. USA 25, USA25, Geoff Becker – 3 -9 -5 -6 -1 -3 -5 ; 32
5. Menace, USA4, Kerry Klingler – 4 -3 -4 -4 -9 -11 -4 ; 39
6. Victura, USA404, Allan Stern & Bill Walker – 6 -2 -8 -2 -3 -14 -9 ; 44
7. Africa, USA179, Jason D’Agostino – 15 -6 -6 -8 -4 -4 -10 ; 53
8. Hot Mess, USA397, Rob Britts – 7 -8 -9 -11 -12 -9 -6 ; 62
9. Wind Czar , USA899, Richard Lehmann – 10 -13 -7 -10 -10 -5 -12 ; 67
10. 167, USA167, Brendan Feeney – 8 -7 -12 -7 -16 -16 -11 ; 77
11. lil’ Grizzly, USA37, Charles Bayer – 13 -11 -11 -12 -15 -21 -8 ; 91
12. Sail22 fäle, USA322, Ed Furry – 14 -21 -10 -9 -6 -18 -14 ; 92
13. Zombie, USA382, Kristen Robinson – 18 -10 -13 -13 -13 -20 -7 ; 94
14. Tea Dance Snake, USA381, Peter Bowe – 9 -12 -16 -18 -11 -17 -13 ; 96
15. Spring, USA157, Dave Franzel – 12 -17 -14 -14 -14 -12 -16 ; 99
16. 378, USA378, Jeff Schaefer – 11 -15 -15 -15 -19 -8 -18 ; 101
17. Maverick, CAN813, Rich Jones – 21 -18 -17 -17 -5 -7 -17 ; 102
18. Down The Line, USA363, Kristen Berry – 17 -16 -20 -19 -17 -10 -19 ; 118
19. DangerMouse, USA357, Taz Coffey – 16 -14 -18 -16 -20 -19 -15 ; 118
20. Bazinga!, USA6, Kevin Kenny – 19 -20 -19 -20 -18 -15 -20 ; 131
21. White Rabbit, USA345, Steve Kiemele – 20 -19 -21 -21 -21 -13 -24 ; 139
22. Taipan SB, USA36, Lloyd Karzen – 22 -22 -22 -22 -22 -22 -24 ; 156

Melges 24 (One Design – 9 Boats)
1. USA 505, USA505, David King – 1 -1 -2 -1 -2 -2 -5 ; 14
2. Decorum, USA805, Hunter Ratliff – 3 -3 -4 -3 -1 -3 -4 ; 21
3. OBSESSION, USA587, Gary Schwarting – 2 -5 -1 -6 -4 -1 -3 ; 22
4. The 300 , USA839, Steven Boho – 5 -2 -5 -2 -5 -7 -1 ; 27
5. Rippin, USA736, Frank Davenport – 9 -4 -6 -4 -9 -5 -2 ; 39
6. Hermes, USA610, Tony Stanley – 4 -6 -7 -7 -3 -8 -8 ; 43
7. Wicked Witch, USA719, Joe Blouin – 8 -7 -3 -5 -8 -6 -9 ; 46
8. Firewater, USA687, George Haynie – 6 -8 -8 -8 -6 -4 -6 ; 46
9. Apex, USA419, Kent Picknell – 7 -9 -9 -9 -7 -9 -7 ; 57

S2 7.9 (One Design – 8 Boats)
1. Matros , USA520, Bryant/ Gamache – 3 -2 -1 -1 -2 -7 ; 16
2. Rebel496, USA496, John Spierling – 6 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 ; 17
3. Hunting Party, USA448, Mark Gutteridge – 1 -4 -5 -3 -1 -5 ; 19
4. Scratch, USA544, Paul Latour – 2 -6 -3 -7 -4 -6 ; 28
5. Straight Up, USA518, Jeffrey Danhauer – 5 -5 -7 -6 -5 -1 ; 29
6. ALZYK, USA508, AL Wolczyk – 7 -3 -6 -4 -7 -2 ; 29
7. Unborrowed, USA497, Kevin Lemonds – 4 -7 -4 -5 -6 -4 ; 30
8. Zoom, USA221, Marino Garci – 9 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 ; 49

PHRF 1 (PHRF – 11 Boats)
1. Wasabi, USA39523, Adam/Jeff Rosen/Marks – 2 -1 -1 -3 -1 -3 ; 11
2. Madcow2, USA46453, David/Ed German/Ruark – 3 -2 -2 -7 -2 -2 ; 18
3. Wings, USA80, Mike Bruno – 4 -3 -3 -5 -3 -4 ; 22
4. Morning Glory, USA41035, Robert/Leslie/Paul Hobbs/Fisher/Silvernail – 1 -4 -6 -2 -8 -5 ; 26
5. Tack Tick, USA11, Michael Siedlecki – 7 -5.5 -5 -6 -4 -1 ; 28.5
6. Warrior, USA42341, Grant Dumas – 5 -5.5 -4 -1 -7 -7 ; 29.5
7. J Hawk, USA46625, David Arata – 6 -9 -7 -4 -5 -6 ; 37
8. Fire & Ice, USA83198, George Cussins – 8 -7 -8 -8 -6 -8 ; 45
9. Eagle’s Eye, USA1, Blair McCarthy – 9 -8 -9 -9 -9 -9 ; 53
10. curragh, USA11, Peter Tuite – 11 -11 -11 -10 -10 -10 ; 63
11. Shazaam, USA52910, Roger Gatewood – 10 -10 -10 -12 -12 -12 ; 66

PHRF 2 (PHRF – 12 Boats)
1. Semper Fi, USA152, Raymond Mannix – 1 -6 -1 -1 -3.5 -1 ; 13.5
2. Alliance, 734, Glaser Barry – 2 -2 -4 -2 -1 -5 ; 16
3. Attractive Nuisance, USA97083, Jamie Myers – 3 -4 -3 -4 -3.5 -2 ; 19.5
4. Bay Wolf, 40177, John Brennan – 5 -1 -2 -3 -5 -4 ; 20
5. Meltemi, USA40787, Alexander Korakis – 6 -5 -6 -7 -2 -3 ; 29
6. Fully Involved, USA97925, Steve Vincent – 4 -3 -10 -6 -7 -6 ; 36
7. Family Circus, USA40429, Robert Wetmore – 7 -9 -5 -5 -8 -7 ; 41
8. Back Off, USA29, Tony Barrett – 8 -7 -8 -8 -6 -8 ; 45
9. Volcano, USA7170, Donald Rychel – 9 -8 -7 -9 -10 -10 ; 53
10. Project Mayhem, USA97921, Steve Young – 10 -10 -9 -10 -9 -9 ; 57
11. SOWILO, 21519 / 581, Pete Weld – 11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 ; 66
12. Salsa, USA110, Michael Richardson – 13 -13 -13 -13 -13 -13 ; 78

North Race Rally Spinnaker (Saturday Only) (PHRF – 8 Boats)
1. Shazaam, USA*52910, Gatewood, Roger – 1 ; 1
2. Intrepid, USA41227, Jeff Russo – 2 ; 2
3. Crescendo, USA52686, Jeffrey Walden – 3 ; 3
4. Prime Plus, USA48, Frank/Mark Hanna/Requa – 4 ; 4
5. Wing It, USA43620, Mike Doyle – 5 ; 5
6. Schock Therapy, USA33, kyle ettel – 6 ; 6
7. SORC, USA73155, Martin Hood – 7 ; 7
8. Brass Ring IV, 73061, John Christman – 8 ; 8

North Race Rally Cruiser (Saturday Only) (PHRF – 10 Boats)
1. Hula Girl, USA681, Steve Shortt – 1 ; 1
2. Mi Sueño, USA038, Ron Kinney – 2 ; 2
3. Sleeper, USA555, Christopher Brown – 3 ; 3
4. First Wind, USA4951, Art Cupps – 4 ; 4
5. After You, USA425, John Gardner – 5 ; 5
6. Elise Rose, USA84011, Tug Graves – 6 ; 6
7. Scud Runner, NA, Russ Savela – 7 ; 7
8. Gael Force, USA344, Jack O’Connell – 11 ; 11
9. Hakuna Matata, USA60920, Norman Astwood – 11 ; 11
10. Trouble, usa136, Jeff Janus – 11 ; 11

Report by Robyn Sheckler.

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