Baldwin Cup: Keeping It Real

Published on April 6th, 2016

In less than a decade, the Baldwin Cup has become that cool inter-club team race event to risk the pride of membership for bragging rights. Sure, most of the ten teams are eager for California weather, and the Newport Beach venue does have the prettiest people in the world, but the Baldwin Cup is still about racing (and discount drinks).

For the ninth edition on April 8-10, the magic begins with the course – just an ice cube toss from the Newport Harbor Yacht Club bar. The vacated mooring field says all you need to know about the quality of racing, and then there is the Harbor 20, the perfect middle-age answer. And to insure that the sailors stay mellow, a portrait of the boat’s owner is prominently posted in the cockpit. Brilliant!

Nine teams from throughout the U.S., and one token British entry to fulfill the “this is team racing” mandate, will be seeking to drink out of the trophy. And since you can never tell the players without a program, each team has submitted member profiles…here are some responses from the San Diego Yacht Club team:

Hardest part of Team Racing?
“Counting.” – Melanie Roberts

Who do you think is your biggest competition?
“The 25¢ beers.” – Mikee Anderson

Why will your team win this year’s Baldwin Cup?
“It’s been so long, beginner’s luck is back on the table.” – Lauren Brants

Favorite Baldwin Cup moment?
“NOT the ice luge a few years back.” – Brian Haines

What is your usual pre-regatta ritual?
“Checking that I still have my phone, wallet, and keys, and to hope I closed out my bar tab from the night before.” – George Saunders

Why will your team win this year’s Baldwin Cup?
“We are the best looking team and the saying goes, ‘Looks are 90% of sailing, the rest is luck’.” – Tyler Sinks

Favorite Baldwin Cup moment?
“Warm weather, hanging with all the amazing people at the event, and taking a day off from work.” – Adam Roberts

What is your team’s theme song?
“We Will Rock You by Queen.” – Brian Stanford

Good to see these millennials are keeping it real… game on!

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