Embracing the evolution
Published on February 28th, 2022
For those salt-crusted sailors who have known about, followed, or even competed in the legendary Worrell 1000 race, the Michael Worrell-created logo stands as one of the most recognized in the small-cat sailing world.
Born from a bar bet between Michael and his brother Chris in 1974, the race is approaching its 50th year anniversary. And although the event did not take place during each and every one of those 50 years, it has stood not only the test of time, but endured many format changes, growing pains, logistical and planning issues, and more than its fair share of drama.
From that first race between just the Worrell brothers in 1974 to its larger, more organized formats through 1984 – the race was exclusively run on Hobie 16 catamarans. As the race grew in popularity, and in turn, in the number of boats competing, it became increasingly clear that a spinnaker boat was better suited to this arduous, open-ocean event.
As the race moved away from its 24-hour continuous format to the spectator-friendly checkpoint-to-checkpoint racing, it became clear that faster, powerful boats were more exciting.
From 1986 to 2002 the race required 20’ catamarans, with some modified class boats allowed through 1999. Spinnaker boats made for easier event planning, as boats were able to run each leg faster and reach the individual checkpoints in plenty of time for the teams to have the opportunity to get in a comfortable shower and enjoy a nice meal, drinks and camaraderie with fellow sailors.
With the event resurrected in 2019 with just three boats competing after a 17-year hiatus, the 2022 Worrell 1000 in May 9-22 welcomes seventeen teams representing six different countries, all being sailed on the only boat allowed: F18 catamarans. To embrace the evolution, the event logo has been updated to include the modern boat design.
The winning team will now be honored with a Champion’s Perpetual Trophy, and all competitors will have the chance to be named the recipient of the new sportsmanship award that will also be perpetual, and will bear the name of our fallen sailor and Worrell alumni, Sandra Tartaglino – taken from us far too soon.
For more information: https://worrell1000race.com/