The Ohlson Project, Episode 3
September 4th, 2020
At the end of the 1940s, naval architects Einar and Carl-Eric Ohlson delivered boat designs for design contests but requests
September 4th, 2020
At the end of the 1940s, naval architects Einar and Carl-Eric Ohlson delivered boat designs for design contests but requests
August 25th, 2020
Robert Deaves shares images from the 2020 5.5 Metre European Championship on August 25-29 in Sanremo, Italy. For more photos,
March 20th, 2020
At the end of the 1940s, naval architects Einar and Carl-Eric Ohlson delivered boat designs for design contests but requests
January 13th, 2020
The 5.5m boats was the formula one in world class sailing from the beginning of the 1950s until the end
January 6th, 2020
At the end of the 1940s, naval architects Einar and Carl-Eric Ohlson delivered boat designs for design contests but requests
July 23rd, 2019
The International 5.5 Metre class was created to yield a racing keel boat giving a sailing experience similar to that
January 13th, 2014
Edgar P.E. White (84 yr) died peacefully on January 7 surrounded by his family. A life-long resident of Manhattan and
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