VIDEO: A documentary of the International Moth fleet in the USA
Published on April 26th, 2013
Video by Will Lyons: “The International Moth Fleet is undoubtedly one of the most high performance sailing fleets in the world, comprised of some of the world’s top sailors. I spent several days shooting with them in Charleston, SC, covering the final event of the Gorilla Rigging Charleston Winter Series, the North American Championship.
“One might expect a collection of pedigreed sailors such as this to be quite stiff, however, what I found was the opposite. Racing with the “Mothies” is all about pushing the entire sport forward, and that entails making sure everyone has the help and resources they need to be on the water, and further more, competitive. Check this out for an outsider’s view into one of the most vibrant, fun, high performance racing fleets in the country.”
Published on Apr 25, 2013.