There’s Training, and then There’s TRAINING

Published on June 12th, 2013

The Red Bull Youth America’s Cup is a new event under the umbrella of the America’s Cup Event Authority, to be held in San Francisco during the break between the conclusion of the Louis Vuitton Cup and the start of the 2013 America’s Cup Finals (Sept. 1-4, 2013).

Ten young teams from around the world will be racing in the same high performance, wing-powered AC45 catamarans that are used in the America’s Cup World Series. The sailors are all 19-24 years, all holding passports for the country they represent, and all training to be the best squad of six to compete in the event.

Among the international teams that will be competing, Scuttlebutt has partnered with Kaenon Polarized to highlight the journey for three of the elite young skippers – Charlie Buckingham (USA), Pete Burling (NZL), and Will Tiller (NZL) – who are coming from three different backgrounds, on three different paths, all leading to the same goal: to win the Red Bull Youth America’s Cup.

It has been repeated how the AC45 requires a level of fitness that most of the sailors need to work up to. For Will Tiller, he posted a video of his work out. It’s nearly as agonizing to watch as it is for Will to execute. Read up here on all the reports.

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