Lintons win Flying Scot North Americans
Published on July 19th, 2013
Mooresville, NC (July 19, 2013) – The final day of racing at the Flying Scot North Americans on Lake Norman more than made up for having no wind on Thursday.
With two races on Wednesday, the race committee needed one more race to have an official regatta. But three more races would make for five total, which was the goal.
Sailors woke up to a light wind out of the southwest. By the time racing began at 9:30am, the wind was about 6-8 knots. Keeping the racers on the course for more than four hours, the PRO ran three four-leg races for both the championship and the challenger fleets. Downwind finishes kept the time between races to a minimum.
Jeff and Amy Linton had a great day, finishing first in two of the three races to come from third to win the NAC. Allan and Katie Terhune took second and, competing in his first Flying Scot NAC, skipper Rob Whittemore, with crew John Wake, took third.
In the Challenger Division racing was fierce, with one point separating the first three places. Outgoing FSSA President Diane Kampf and her husband, Greg, won the Challenger Division and incoming FSSA President Frank Gerry and his wife, Marianne, came in third. Don Smith and Chris Kacinski lost a tie breaker for first place and earned second.