Verbalizing the winning philosophy
Published on June 14th, 2023
Following their win at the 2023 Flying Scot North American Championship, Amy Linton shares the story behind the victory:
Going into the 2023 Flying Scot North American Championships, my favorite skipper verbalized his philosophy this way, “I’m going to let the race come to me.” Well, okay, your highness.
Being strictly honest, however, I knew exactly what he meant. After lo these many years of racing together, we’ve come to share this sense of regatta destiny. Here’s what we know as fact: You can lose a regatta from not preparing.
You can lose a regatta by having equipment that fails (see “not preparing.”) You can lose a regatta by panicking and making poor decisions (see also, “not preparing”).
And of course you can lose a regatta by breaking with superstition (Mr. Linton wore the same shirt until the final day of racing, which just goes to show.)
But the only way to win a regatta is to have at least one helping of good luck. Preferably many helpings. Corollary truth: While you can be ready for good luck, you cannot force it to show up. In a word: destiny. – Full report