US Sailing Appeals Book and ISAF Cases available for Pre-Order
Published on May 13th, 2014
The Appeals Book and ISAF Cases provide expert, and in the case of the Case Book, authoritative interpretations of the racing rules. Everyone who races or is involved with race management or judging will learn useful insights into the rules from reading the appeals that will help them race and officiate better.
The Book has a useful index, sorted by rule number, with a brief synopsis of each appeal listed, so you can quickly scan and find any appeals that may be interesting to read. Most appeals are less than a page long, so it is an easy book to read and understand.
You can pre-order a printed copy of the US Sailing Appeals Book for 2013-2016, including The ISAF Case Book for 2013-2016 and the US Sailing Judges Manual for 2013-2016, for delivery in late June. Click here to order.
The Race Management Handbook (sixth edition, © 2014) is being revised and will be available this summer. US Sailing members can download a pdf of the Appeals Book, the Judges Manual and the Race Management Handbook from the Race Official Publications page on the US Sailing Web site. All sailors and officials can download a PDF of the ISAF Case Book from the Appeals section of the website.