Anti-seasickness properties of Gin and Tonic
Published on August 21st, 2014
by Alex Smith,
Plenty of salty seadogs suffer from seasickness. There are numerous solutions on the market, from tablets, to bands that sit on your wrists, and even spectacles that claim to stop the affliction. However, when I’m not actually helming a boat, I still believe in the merits of a good quality gin and tonic.
This happy, glass-mounted medicine provides you with an effective representation of the natural horizon – and in addition to the combined stomach calming effects of quinine and carbonation, the alcohol does a great job of muting the sensory conflict.
Remarkably, quinine also helps you put up a very stern defence against muscle cramps and malaria – and the fact that it tastes great and happens to resonate with historical maritime significance only adds to its allure. Certainly, other “magic cures” are worth a look, but now as ever, the humble gin and tonic remains the world’s greatest maritime panacea.
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