Melges 20 class issues warning
Published on December 18th, 2014
Following the measurement rules of a one design class is a primary tenet toward maintaining health and growth within the membership. But when competitive levels get raised, they might push against some of the class restrictions. Here is a measurement announcement that was issued to Melges 20 members:
We would like to take this opportunity to bring to your attention the International Audi Melges 20 Class Rules enforcing the strict prohibition of sanding and fairing the hull and appendages on the Audi Melges 20, as well as any modification of interior bulkheads or gussets that fall outside of the class rules. Any and all work needed to repair anything other than normal wear and tear on keels and hull edges needs to be approved prior to work being done. Contact the International Audi Melges 20 Class Measurer, Egidio Babbi or Melges Performance Sailboats (MPS) on email.
We would like to remind all Audi Melges 20 Owners that the class rules are closed class rules. This means that if the rules do not say that you can, you cannot. If there is doubt, please ask.
The IM20CA Board and MPS takes enforcement of the Audi Melges 20 Class Rules and the sportsmanship of our class very seriously and will continue to investigate rigorously any potential infringements. Owners can expect to find themselves banned from Melges organized events for a period of time as well as the offending boat will be deemed illegal for all future events if found to be in breach of the rules governing these important items.
Please do your part in maintaining our great one design class by keeping the level of sportsmanship high, fighting fairly on the water and building trusted friendships on shore.
The Audi Melges 20 North American Board of Directors:
Rob Wilber, International Vice President / North American Fleet President
Richard Davies, North American Board Member
Paul Currie, North American Board Member