Call for Nominations – Sail Canada Board of Directors
Published on September 2nd, 2015
The Nominating Committee of Sail Canada is calling for nominations from interested individuals for positions on the Sail Canada Board of Directors. Nominations for President and two positions of Director at Large are to be received by Sail Canada no later than September 10, 2015. The Board of Directors is responsible for the governance and strategic direction for Sail Canada. Sail Canada is a member based organization and is designated the National Sport Organization for the sport of Sailing in Canada. Candidates for election to the Board must be at least 18 and be a member in good standing of a member club, class or other member organization.
The Board consists of the President, six Directors at large and two Athlete Directors. Every year at the Annual General Meeting, Board vacancies are replaced through an election by the Members. The term of office for the President is two years and is eligible to be elected for a second term. Directors at large serve for three years in rotation with two retiring each year. Directors at large are eligible to be elected for a second term. Athlete Directors are elected by members of the Canadian Sailing Team in a separate process.
The 2015 Sail Canada Annual General Meeting (October 31, 2015) will mark the end of the second two year term of the President and the second three year terms for two Director at large positions on the Board of Directors.
The Nominating Committee performs a recruiting role in accordance with Sail Canada by-laws, issuing the call for candidates and publishing the list of candidates with brief biographies.