New rules for Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image award
Published on March 9th, 2016
(March 9, 2016) – The Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image award is the world’s premier photography competition dedicated to the sport of sailing. Started in 2010, the event announces a new set of rules established with the support of some of the most prominent yacht racing photographers.
The main changes are the following:
• There will be one official winner, selected by the international jury amongst the top 80 pictures.
• The pre-selection of the top 80 pictures submitted (and therefore photographers admitted) will be made by a panel of three recognized international yacht racing photographers, who will change over the years and whose identity will be made public. The selected pictures will then be published on the event website and social networks.
• The top 20 pictures chosen by the international Jury will be printed and displayed at the Yacht Racing Forum, on Internet and promoted on the social networks. A special emphasis will be put on this selection (instead of the public selection as was the case previously).
• Two secondary prizes will be awarded during the Yacht Racing Forum:
1. The Yacht Racing Forum Award (selected by the delegates attending the Yacht Racing Forum)
2. The Public Award (selected by the votes from the public on Facebook). This award rewards the quality of the pictures as well as the photographers network. It needs to be taken with a lighthearted spirit. It is however important for the promotion of the contest and its participants thanks to the power of the social networks.
Photographers are therefore encouraged to contribute to the promotion of their (and their colleagues) images.
The new rules have been established after consultation with approximately twenty of the world’s most prominent yacht racing photographers.
Other updates on points of details, not included in the event rules, have also been made in order to improve the global quality of the contest.
The new rules are available on the event website.
Report by event media