Maryland Provides $1 Million toward Hall of Fame

Published on May 12th, 2016

The US National Sailing Hall of Fame has confirmed that Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, Speaker of House of Delegates Mike Busch, and Senate President Mike Miller through the Maryland State Legislature have provided a grant of $1 million toward the goal of $10 million that will fund construction of a new facility.

“We are planning a signature national facility on Annapolis City Dock, anchoring community activities, water access and expanding our school programing, thereby preserving America’s sailing’s legacy and engaging sailing’s next generation,” said National Sailing Hall President Gary Jobson.

The new facility’s additional space will enable expanded programming for interactive exhibitions, STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Math) Sailing, public presentations, the Tom Morris Library, boat exhibitions, Recovering Warrior Regattas, free sailing program and promotion of environmental stewardship.

“We are grateful to Governor Larry Hogan, Speaker Mike Busch, President Mike Miller and the General Assembly for their support for our efforts,” said Jobson. “We look forward to working with them, our local community, and national supporters to provide a public attraction, educational programs and a home for American sailing.”


Contact Lee Tawney for information:

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