Young Sailor Has Big Goals
Published on December 7th, 2016
DEAR CURMUDGEON: I’m a sophomore in high school, and since I began racing as a freshman, I’ve trained hard, learned fast, and became one of the most passionate sailors on my team. I am working very hard so that I could one day become an elite sailor in high school, and then in college, and after that, compete for USA at the Olympics. What advice do you have to help me fulfill my goals? – HUNGRY TO WIN
DEAR HUNGRY: Sounds like you already have a determined work ethic which is critical to succeed in any sport. However, if you do have Olympic aspirations, you should be pursuing them as soon as possible. I can assure you that if you are fully focused on HS and College competition, and then aim your attention toward the Olympics, you have a very low chance to succeed.
I suggest you focus on your education while using those school years to prepare for your Olympic goal. While success in HS and College is impressive, during those eight years racing low-tech boats in short courses, your international peers are getting educated in the skills needed at the Olympic level.
Get physically fit and sail Olympic type boats to learn about technique, tuning, and big course tactics. Seek out the biggest events and prepare to succeed. You want to be ready when you begin your first Olympic campaign, and you want to be at an age young enough to allow for two 4-year cycles.
Follow this path and your chance for success significantly increase. This report, Turning the Tide Takes Time, offers additional information. – THE CURMUDGEON