Bold Statements at the Boat Show
Published on October 15th, 2018
by Craig Leweck, Scuttlebutt
I hadn’t seen Paul Cronin for some time, but when we caught up at the US Sailboat Show in Annapolis, I was quickly reminded of his energy and enthusiasm. He told me I had to have fun every day. I told him I wanted what he was smoking.
Paul is multi-talented as a naval architect, professional sailor, boatbuilder, coach, and videographer, and always seems to be attracted to the bleeding edge of the sport. It was no surprise then when I saw him on the new Figaro Beneteau 3, eyes wide open and absorbing every detail about this no compromise offering.
I had followed the boat’s progress in the 2018 Pacific Cup where the 32 footer had been sailed doublehanded, covering the 2,070 nm course from San Francisco to Kaneohe Bay in 11 days 4 hours 24 minutes. It led the race wire-to-wire, it was the first ‘foiling’ boat in the race’s history, and it was a lot of ocean to cover in this newly launched missile.
The Figaro 3 was quite a contrast amid the other Beneteaus at the boat show, but its position at the front of their exhibit made a bold statement about the brand. For the same reason why automakers get involved in car racing, Beneteau wants everyone to know they seek to stay ahead in both innovation and impressions.
Purpose-built for competitors of France’s annual Solitaire du Figaro Race, the unofficial world championship of offshore singlehanded sailing, Paul shares his photos and words on Figaro Beneteau 3… click here.