Get smart while under postponement
Published on April 27th, 2020
With much of the sport on hold during the coronavirus pandemic, Dave Perry, who recently received the prestigious US Sailing Nathanael G. Herreshoff Trophy for his extraordinary contributions to the sport of sailing, has organized the following schedule of free online education:
Dave Perry teams up with Steve Hunt, the most successful high school sailing coach in the USA, to offer a four-part series specifically for high school sailing beginning the week of May 4 on the Zoom platform.
Session 1: Philosophy, Methodology & Approach – Dealing with Differences
Session 2: Drills and Other Exercises to Accelerate Improvement
Session 3: Key Strategies & Tactics in Short Course Fleet Racing
Session 4: Key Strategies & Tactics in Team Racing
Each session will be one hour and will run consecutively for four weeks. Details.
Dave Perry and Dave Dellenbaugh are delivering an online coaching program that is open to sailors, race officials, and supporters of the Clagett community. The Series will be held on seven consecutive Saturdays at 1:00pm EDT, beginning Saturday, May 9. Each session will be one hour.
Session Topics:
May 9: The Rules & Their Tactical Uses – the Starting Line (Dave Perry presenting)
May 16: Boat Speed Essentials (Dave Dellenbaugh presenting)
May 23: The Rules & Their Tactical Uses – the Upwind & Downwind Legs (Dave Perry presenting)
May 30: Using Windshifts (Dave Dellenbaugh presenting)
June 6: The Rules & Their Tactical Uses – the Marks (Dave Perry presenting)
June 13: Racing In Current (Dave Dellenbaugh presenting)
June 20: A Mock Protest Hearing (the Daves presenting)
Registration will be allocated on a first come – first served basis. Details.
In this four part series, Dave Perry will explain how the game works, what the different rules are, and what the various different tactics and strategies are in the prestart, on the upwind and downwind legs and around the marks. He will also explain how the unique and clever delayed penalty system works, as well as how the umpire system operates. Beginning May 9, this will be a four (4) week series on Saturday (4:00pm ET) with each session to be one (1) hour. Details.
The program will take deep dives into the more intricate aspects of what it takes to win a match racing championship, giving more experienced match racers and umpires the chance to raise their game as Dave Perry shares his insights and knowledge. The target participant is those sailors and umpires who have competed or umpired in a World Sailing Grade 4 match racing regatta or higher. The nine session series will have Wednesday (8:00pm ET) and Sunday (4:00pm ET) sessions, following parallel tracks, so participants can choose one or the other. Each session will be 1.5 hours. The series will begin the week of May 4. Details.