2021 Tasar US National Championship
Published on September 26th, 2021
Jonathan and Libby McKee topped the 24 entrants to win the 2021 Tasar US National Championship held September 25-26 in Seattle, WA. With a recent record-sized fleet, and the most competitive field in years (including three World Champion teams), the Tasar Class is thriving with a mix of young teams and veterans.
While day one was productive, no races were held due to a lack of wind. Class President Anthony Boscolo chaired the class meeting, and former World Champion Jay Renehan held a very informative go-fast clinic. The keg was tapped. Boats were fine tuned. Finally a light northerly filled in, and PRO Carl Buchan sent the fleet out onto Puget Sound. Alas, the wind did not cooperate, and after two practice starts the fleet returned to shore.
Day two dawned cold and windy with four races scheduled in the 15-18 knot southerly. Chris and Molly Lanzinger won the first race with excellent speed and solid tactics, with the McKees taking the next race, with Jay and Lisa Renehan furthering their claim to the title with a come from behind win in the third race.
Heading into the fourth and final race, Renehans and McKees were tied for the lead, with Karas, Bergan, and Lanzinger family teams all still in contention.
By now the wind had died to 6-8 knots and gotten quite unstable. After two general recalls, the deciding race got underway. The right side paid early, favoring McKees who rounded the top mark third, with Team Karas hot on their transom, and Renehans lurking dangerously close.
With superior reaching speed, Renehans made their move low on the second reach, but a big right shift before the leeward mark nixed their comeback. However, it was still all on for the last shifty beat to the finish.
The race was won by juniors Dieter Creitz and Sam Bush, who led at every mark, and while Dalton and Lindsey Bergan sailed a great last leg to finish third, having the McKees in fourth was good enough to seal the title, their fifth Tasar Nationals win.
As an interesting aside, the top five teams were all married couples, and with any luck will remain that way for the 2022 Tasar World Championship to be held September 16-24 in Seattle, WA.