Some sailing myths need to be busted
Published on April 12th, 2023
by Nick Hayes, Sailing Magazine
Since sailors are now flying, sail trimmers are now biking and cloud computers are now navigating, it seems appropriate to separate today’s sailing myths from reality. Surprise, everything I’ve listed so far is fact, not myth. But here’s the truth about what I think are six of the top sailing myths.
1. Sailing is not serene.
Many variables influence the sailing experience: fickle wind, waves and temperature, location and companions. Together, the probability of finding serenity in sailing is somewhere between finding a four-of-a-kind and a straight flush in your poker hand. You have to play a lot of poker. The fact is that sailing is what it is, when it is. If you’re looking for something predictably tranquil, grab your headphones and cue up some new-age music. If you’re ready for anything, then cast off. It’ll be serene about 1% of the time. – Full report