Change to keep sailboat racing healthy
Published on May 24th, 2024
Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Perhaps, then, it is time for a change as Don Finkle with RCR Yachts points out:
Looking back on the good old days and wishing they were here again is sometimes tempting, but it’s an unrealistic waste of time and doesn’t predict future success. The Level Regatta here in Youngstown, NY was a major event for decades, with over 400 keelboats competing in the 1990s.
That was the heyday of racing in these parts and for many reasons we won’t see that again anytime soon, and maybe never. Times change and organizers, clubs and fleets need to change too if we wish to keep sailboat racing healthy.
One example of the above is what is being done here to replace the 50-year history of course racing at the end of July (Level, then CanAm), which saw dwindling attendance with no improvement in sight. The Youngstown Chase (July 26-28) is hopefully the answer with pursuit racing and plenty of shoreside party action. The focus is on fun with a new racing format that encourages more boats to give it a try.
You won’t need a big crew, you won’t need a hot race boat, everyone is welcome, cruisers too. Handicaps will account for the assorted types of boats so all are welcome. If you were here during the days of the Level Regatta, you know this is a fun place to be, and we are trying to rekindle that aspect. Heck, we even have a new brewery in the village.