Please stop with the cat puns
Published on December 7th, 2024
by Peter Swanson
New Years is approaching, and I am making a plea that any catamaran buyers out there resolve to refrain from naming their boat…
…Cat’s Meow, Catalac, Catitude, Catastrophic, Catnip, Cats Me If You Can, Cat Can Do, Catatonic, Cat Sass, Kitty Cat, Fat Cat, Pantera, Polecat, Cat Nap, Catskill, Purrfect, Chesire Cat, Wildcat, Cougar, Bobcat, Octopussy, Catcall, Alley Cat, Copycat, Hellcat, Kitten, Fine Lion, Manx, Cat Man Do, etc., etc, ad nauseum.
Yeah, this panoply of tedium was briefly amusing…in 1995. Nowadays, it is the hallmark of an imagination deficit. And I say this as a former offender, though my play on words was higher on the clever scale than your cat names. – Full report