Sailing Helmets and the Risk of Injury
May 30th, 2019
While reading a tease for a report to be in the July 2019 issue of Practical Sailor, which will examine
May 30th, 2019
While reading a tease for a report to be in the July 2019 issue of Practical Sailor, which will examine
June 14th, 2017
Sailing takes many forms, and as the sport evolves, this span continues to increase. Professional writer Roger Vaughan seeks to
May 26th, 2016
Dr. Rick Sullivan, a US Sailing Judge and Umpire, has been investigating the prevalence of head injuries in youth sailing
March 9th, 2016
Dr. Rick Sullivan, a US Sailing Judge and Umpire, is looking at whether sailors are safe from head injuries. Here
August 6th, 2015
Head injuries are a hot topic in athletics, with serious attention given to concussions in youth and professional sports. The
August 3rd, 2015
Addressing the risk of head trauma in sailing, MIT Sailing Master Franny Charles has taken steps to minimize the threat…
August 2nd, 2015
by Richard P. Sullivan MD, FAAP My grandfather would often say, “He doesn’t have the sense to come in out
April 30th, 2013
A the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy, which was the venue for the sailing events at the 2012 Olympic
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