PR Guidelines and Advice for Clubs and Classes

Published on February 20th, 2014

PR and Marketing Consultant Peta Stuart-Hunt of PR Works, who provides services for the Royal Ocean Racing Club Rating Office in the UK, shares some of the basics she has been employing over some 30 years of working with clients in the marine leisure market. Here is an excerpt…

To deliver an acceptable level of PR you certainly need thought, planning and organisation. Whilst being a host to bright ideas, effective PR demands, as vigilant and exacting a programme of planning, preparation, timing and execution as any other job you might be undertaking.

– PR is only ever as good as the product i.e. the news or the event.
– PR is all about good communications – whether internally or externally…or both.
– The message is crucial – what is your angle?
– Who are you trying to reach? Clearly this depends on the message you are trying to put across.
– How can you get your message across? This is where good PR comes into its own, understanding which medium to aim for.
– It’s all about who you know and building relationships.

Developing a rapport with members of the local and regional news/sports or business media or specialist yachting media is the first step in establishing an effective PR programme. The time spent gaining mutual trust and respect is your investment in future favourable publicity. If you get to know your media, you will know who is most likely to be interested in your story. Make sure you have researched your local, regional, national media contacts and have correct and up to date contact information

The links below provide Peta’s guidance concerning these topics…

PR Guidelines and Advice
Advice for Press Conferences/Media Events/Interviews
Guidelines and Advice for Event Promotion and Reporting

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