Rules of gravity redefined as kite sailor launched into orbit

Published on April 1st, 2013

While hitting a jump on Lake Sunapee NH with Kitewings and skis this past week, sailor Annie Tuthill was accidentally launched into orbit. It was completely unexpected as most jumps were fully controlled. “I had no idea what was happening to me,” remarked Tuthill after she reentered the atmosphere and glided back to within a few meters of her original takeoff point.

Witnesses saw her hit the ramp with a good turn of speed, but “everyone is accustomed to seeing Annie fly high,” according to one bystander. The unexpected launch, orbit and reentry took place quite suddenly, and caught everyone by surprise.

Aside from a larger than normal appetite, Tuthill appeared to suffer no ill effects from the flight. Such are the risks when using a wing for normal everyday sailing. Either way, wind powered skiing is faster and cheaper than gravity.

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