ADVICE: What to use for a rusty hull
Published on April 14th, 2015
DEAR CURMUDGEON: It’s been a long winter, but now the cover is off and for the most part, my 24-foot Shark has weathered her 48th winter well. However, a few of the “brass” replacement grommets in the cover rusted quite badly, and now I need some ideas on what to use.
The rusty water trickled down the lashings and left a nasty brown streak in the fiberglass. There are about 6-8 per side. I have tried cleaners, CLR, and even buffing with compound, but the stain seems quite “set” in the gelcoat. Does anyone have ideas on how to get the rust streaks out of the gelcoat? – READY TO SAIL
DEAR READY: Nothing is worse than unexpected hurdles that halt your sailing season. We weren’t sure on the best solution so we asked for advice on the Scuttlebutt Facebook page. Here were some of the suggestions:
– Anything with Oxalic acid in it
– Wood Bleach in powder form. It is Oxalic acid, which is the main ingredient in most hull cleaners and Navel Jelly. You can get it at a paint store, making it way cheaper.
– Lemon halves rubbed liberally and repeatedly over the offending rust stain were what we used in Santa Barbara (FYI, nickel plated brass grommets don’t rust or corrode).
– Marikate Shipshape On & Off Hull/Bottom Cleaner
– Davis Instruments FSR Fiberglass Stain Remover
– Whink rust stain remover
With any of the products suggested, be sure to carefully read the instructions to insure the product is designed for what you need and will not harm the gelcoat. – THE CURMUDGEON
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