BWR: Weather eases for Renault Captur

Published on April 14th, 2015

(April 14, 2015; Day 104) – Things have improved slightly for Jorg Riechers and Sebastien Audigane who are now in a more modest, useable 17kts of ENE’ly breeze now less than 300 miles to the finish line in Barcelona. They should have a good passage now until the final miles when it will get lighter. And since the closed to Cabo Nao their speeds on Renault Captur have risen significantly, now making 10-12kts. They are now expected to reach Barcelona on the morning of Thursday 16th April.

Just under 25 miles off Madeira, Spirit of Hungary are sailing on a course almost directly towards the Straits of Gibraltar. Nandor Fa and Conrad Colman have 14kts of WNW’ly winds which will become more SW for their approach to the Straits.

Ranking at 18:00 UTC:
1. Cheminées Poujoulat (Bernard Stamm – Jean Le Cam) finished Mar 25 (84:05:50:25)
2. Neutrogena (Guillermo Altadill – Jose Muñoz) finished Mar 31 (89:11:47:00)
3. GAES Centros Auditivos (Anna Corbella – Gerard Marin) finished Apr 1 (91:05:09:28)
4. One Planet One Ocean / Pharmaton (Aleix Gelabert – Didac Costa) finished Apr 8 (98:09:12:09)
5. We Are Water (Bruno Garcia – Willy Garcia) finished Apr 9 (99:03:06:28)
6. Renault Captur (Jörg Riechers – Sebastien Audigane) 280.1 nm Distance To Finish
7. Spirit of Hungary (Nandor Fa – Conrad Colman) 1063.4 nm DTF
Hugo Boss (Alex Thomson – Pepe Ribes) Abandon

TrackerEvent details

Report by event media.

Background: The third edition of the Barcelona World Race is the only double-handed, non-stop, round the world race. Eight IMOCA 60 teams started December 31, 2014, with the intent to cover 23,450 nautical miles in a circumnavigation from Barcelona to Barcelona, putting the capes of Good Hope (South Africa), Leeuwin (Australia) and Horn (Chile) to port and the Antarctic to starboard.

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