Six Metre Worlds Entry Numbers Booming
Published on May 12th, 2015
(May 12, 2015) – The International Six Metre Association (ISMA), whose 2015 World Championship will be hosted from May 29 to June 5 by the Société Nautique de La Trinité Sur Mer, France, is honored to announce that it has also been awarded the Société Nautique de Genève’s highly prestigious Annual Regatta at Sea.
The Annual Regatta at Sea is one of yachting’s most prized events and is awarded each year to a class that, in the opinion of the Société Nautique de Genève, exemplifies the highest standards in yacht racing and race management. This year the Six Metres will race this prestigious event from May 30 – 31, with the Société Nautique de La Trinité Sur Mer providing race management support to Société Nautique de Genève for the regatta.
With some 40 boats from across Europe, the USA and Canada already registered the competition for both the Annual Regatta at Sea and the World Championship will be fierce and spectacular in equal measure. The fleet will, as always, incorporate both the cutting edge Modern Sixes and the elegant Classic Sixes. Entries can still made until Wednesday May 13 and late entries may be submitted after this date, but will be subject to a premium of Euro 150.
Report by Event Media