2015 ISAF annual conference: Plenty to discuss

Published on September 3rd, 2015

Seahorse Magazine

The 2015 ISAF annual conference will take place in Sanya, China from November 6 – 12, where ISAF bring together the Member National Authorities (MNAs), class associations, sailors, event organizers, boat manufacturers and many others. Sanya expects to receive more than 500 delegates. Over 200 submissions have been sent by numerous committees, MNAs and class associations proposing changes to existing policies or rules, as well as looking to introduce new ones. All submissions and topics will be discussed at committee, sub-committee and commission meetings.

At conference ISAF will consider a large number of proposals to amend the Racing Rules of Sailing for 2017-2020. This is the last opportunity to put forward proposals for the next book, with the final text available from July 2016.

The Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) is the rulebook of equipment definitions commonly used in sailing and is updated every four years. This is the last year that modifications can be made before the 2017-2020 version is published. There are a number of submissions to the ISAF conference that include additional definitions for offshore sailing and yacht rating systems.

The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) will be examined at the conference. ISAF will consider a large number of proposals to amend the Racing Rules of Sailing for 2017-2020. This is the last opportunity to put forward proposals for the next book, with the final text available from July 2016. Proposals being considered include the simplification of rules for rounding marks, standardising the use of discretionary penalties (rather than automatic disqualifications) and important proposals to widen the scope of rule 69 to include support persons… and parents. ISAF will also consider a large number of proposals affecting the specialist disciplines of windsurfing, kiteboarding, match and team racing.

The newly formed ISAF Disabled Sailing Committee will be having their first face-to-face meeting in Sanya. Items to be discussed include the formation of the committee and necessary working parties, discussions about disabled sailing events, the development of the discipline, emerging nations, functional classification and race management. For the first time the chair of the Disabled Sailing Committee will have a seat with full voting rights at council.

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