Over 100 Entrants for Melges 24 Worlds 2016
Published on January 15th, 2016
With ten months before the start of the 2016 Melges 24 World Championship, registration has exceeded the 100-boat mark for the event scheduled for November 29 to December 3 in Miami, FL. Bow No. 100 went to Melges 24 class veteran, America’s Cup skipper and multi-class World champion, Terry Hutchinson of Quantum Sails.
“The Melges 24 provides some of the best one design racing in the world,” said Hutchinson. “Having done very little 24 racing since the San Francisco Worlds, I am looking forward to the competition. I cannot think of a better venue than south beach to test the fleet. Whoever wins will have to be well balanced across a wide range of conditions.”
The Melges 24 is enjoying a resurgence with expanding fleets all around the world, with the 2016 Worlds showing signs of breaking the 127-boat record set at the 2012 Worlds in Lake Garda, Italy.