2016 Baldwin Cup Teams announced
Published on January 18th, 2016
Newport Beach, CA (January 18, 2016) – In 80 days, Newport Harbor Yacht Club will once again welcome the best team racing sailors and spectators to the Baldwin Cup Team Race 2016. In less than a decade, the Baldwin Cup has become an institution among national level team racers and is one of the most sought after regatta invitations in the country.
With its unconventional and complex 4v4 racing structure, Baldwin Cup is a must watch regatta for any sailing fan, young or old. In the coming months the media team will be rolling out more info on the event, diving deep into the antics of our excellent Baldwin Cup sailors and volunteers, and otherwise getting everyone amped for April 8 – 10, 2016.
Newport Harbor Yacht Club and Presenting Sponsor JPMorgan Chase announce the 2016 Baldwin Cup Team Race Invited Yacht Clubs:
Balboa Yacht Club – Newport Beach, CA
Itchenor Sailing Club – West Itchenor, UK
Larchmont Yacht Club, Larchmont, NY
New York Yacht Club, New York, NY
Saint Francis Yacht Club, San Francisco, CA
San Diego Yacht Club. San Diego, CA
Seattle Yacht Club, Seattle, WA
Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, Oyster Bay, NY
Southern Yacht Club, New Orleans, LA
Yale Corinthian Yacht Club, Branford, CT
Report by Event Media