We’re Not In Kansas Anymore
Published on July 7th, 2016
After being knocked out and swept away from her farm by a tornado, young Dorothy wakes up in a land full of really tall plastic plants and really short singing people. Dorothy looks around with her little dog, and says, “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kanas anymore.”
This line is spoken by Dorothy, played by Judy Garland, in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz, might be what some people think of our sport when they learn of the technology that now seeks to help us be better sailors.
We received the following in an email from SailRacer.net about their mobile device application:
When I was pitching an older skipper about Sailracer.net app this year at the BVI Spring Regatta, his reply was, “Son, I have won 15 Rolex watches. I must be doing something right and doubt that any app can help me.” But when I asked how many Rolexes he had won in last 5 years, none was the reply.
Every sport in today’s computerized world is being influenced by technology. You don’t see professional golfers using clubs from 10 years, or even 5 years ago, do you? In order to stay competitive you have to keep up with the competition, in every aspect of the game, and sailboat racing is no exception.
As in other sports, the game has changed. It has become more competitive, and the margins ever smaller, which is why every fraction of a second counts. This is where technology can be a big help, with timely, organized information at your fingertips.
Getting your boat to the line with speed, hitting that perfect layline, or maxing out your VMG are just some areas where our app can help you go faster. The best way to win a race is to start in first position and increase the lead, isn’t it? SailRacer.net is the best tool to help you hitting the line in a perfect way.
We have just released a new version of the app for Android and iOS, some highlights:
• Visual starting box on the map with moving Time-To-Burn line/area for better timing
• Easy switching between Compass and Map
• Map with marks, lay-lines, compass, wind direction and oscillations, heading deviation etc.
• SailTimer wireless solar-powered wind instrument integration
• Smart Watch (Android wear OS)
• Automatic mark coordinates synchronization with RC app (for race organizers)
• Big wind average and oscillation screen – just tack/jibe when wind crosses the middle
Note: This is not an endorsement nor is it a paid advertisement. This is only information. For a video demo, see below.