Chasing The Cup – My America’s Cup Journey

Published on August 28th, 2017

by Craig Leweck, Scuttlebutt
When following a particular sport or team, our connection is significantly heightened when that association involves the people on the field. The better we know them, the more we care.

Two-time America’s Cup winning skipper Jimmy Spithill opened the window wide open to his life in the release of ‘Chasing The Cup – My America’s Cup Journey.’ With assistance from esteemed sailing journalist Rob Mundle, Spithill takes us on a trek that explains his character and convictions, from his early days around Sydney Harbor to the consolation beers following his recent defeat in Bermuda.

The book is a tale with two halves: before Team Oracle and with Team Oracle.

I found Spithill to be quite brave in the first half, revealing so much about his physical and family troubles. He was no silver-spooner, and the fight we have seen on the race course and interviews is well rooted in a bullied kid that found solace in the boxing ring and waterfront.

His scrappy rise up the ranks earned him a lead position when Russell Coutts took over the reins of Team Oracle. Spithill shares the stories of these three America’s Cup campaigns, offering fascinating behind-the-scenes insight during the most disruptive period in the event’s modern history.

Spithill also uses the book to even the score with critics, question authority, opine on parenthood, and teach the tenets of team. While the reporting on his Team Oracle era came with some bias, I believe he fulfilled his mission with the book to show how honest effort can be rewarded.

I appreciated Spithill for taking on the challenge of sharing his story and recommend this easy read, especially to anyone who seeks to inspire youth sailors to reach farther. To learn more about the book… click here.

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