Top 10 Boat Names of 2018
Published on May 23rd, 2018
Boat names can reveal a lot about the personality, passion and life experiences of a boat owner. This year, BoatUS decoded the most popular boat names ordered through its online boat graphics and lettering service, producing a revealing list of the Top 10 Boat Names of 2018:
Grace – This name reflects the elegant and tranquil qualities of the boat, oftentimes owned by someone seeking peace through boating.
Freedom – A patriot to its core, this boat symbolizes the meaning of freedom in all senses of the word: freedom to explore, freedom to dream and freedom to discover the world by water being most important.
Seas the Day – While this boat owner may feel a loss of control over a declining retirement account, he or she is completely in charge while boating and intends to get the most out of the boating lifestyle.
Therapy – Capitalizing on all the joys boating has to offer, this name takes into account the healing nature that boating provides its owner.
Second Wind – This boat is perhaps owned by parents constantly yearning for that second boost of energy in life. Spending time with their boat gives them rejuvenation despite the craziness of being mom or dad.
Serenity – Born out of the “hippie era,” this name illustrates peacefulness in both the boat and the owner. Simply explained, this boat owner is completely untroubled while out on the water.
Perseverance – A relentless vehicle that never stops exploring, this boat likely has more than 10 years on it with a few dents and scratches but also holds countless memories of good times.
Rum Runner – A party boat by nature, this boat often hosts big personalities and guarantees a good time with laughs galore.
Knot on Call – The moment a boater steps onto this boat, his or her responsibilities are left at the dock. The owner enjoys and encourages leaving worries behind and fully immersing in the boating experience.
Pura Vida – More than just a Costa Rican saying meaning “pure life,” it reflects a way of everyday living by example – one that thrives on no worries, no fuss and no stress.