Seeking keelboat options for Paris 2024
Published on December 18th, 2019
The Paris 2024 Olympic Sailing Competition will, for the first time ever, feature a Mixed Two Person Keelboat Offshore Event, and at World Sailing’s 2019 Annual Conference in Bermuda the decision-making process was approved for the selection of Equipment for the Event.
The criteria for suitable Equipment for the Olympic Offshore Event will be published no later than December 31, 2020 and the Equipment will be selected no later December 31, 2023.
With regards to the qualification events, a list of Equipment that meets the qualification criteria shall be published no later than December 31, 2020. It is expected that the criteria will give the widest possible choice of suitable equipment, giving many manufacturers the opportunity for their equipment to be selected.
World Sailing has issued a Request For Information (RFI) from Manufacturers, MNAs, and Class Associations to assess what options currently exist in the market. A 2024 Offshore Equipment Working Party will then use that information to form the criteria for selecting the Equipment for Event at Paris 2024.
Whilst it is envisaged to be a non-foiling, non-canting keel production boat, Offshore Special Regulations Category 2, between 8 and 11m, proposals close to these criteria are also welcome with detailed explanations and justifications.
For the RFI document, click here.
Manufacturers are requested to provide information such as technical data including any handicap certificates, statements of suitability for double handed sailing, sailor endorsements, and existing fleet sizes.
In the best interests of the sport, and to promote access to the Equipment, information provided will not be confidential and will be available publicly. However, if information is commercially sensitive, manufacturers should discuss with World Sailing in advance of submitting information.
Replies to the RFI should be sent to World Sailing’s Technical and Offshore Department ( by Friday 15 January 2020.
Source: World Sailing