Updates from US Sailing Headquarters
Published on November 24th, 2020
Here are a few updates from US Sailing, the national governing body for sailing in the United States:
• Guided by the Strategic Plan for 2021-2024, all organization members of US Sailing play an important role in the overall success of the Strategic Plan. Community sailing centers, yacht clubs, sailing schools, and class associations and fleets are the primary access point to the sport and US Sailing is committed to working closely with these organizations to support our efforts at advancing the sport of sailing forward and serve sailors around the nation with quality programming and resources. To view plan, click here.
• Beginning January 1, 2022, several changes to the SafeSport Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies will become effective within our community of member organizations. This broad collection of abuse prevention best practices encompasses both the SafeSport training course as well as organizational policies designed to prevent opportunities for abuse and misconduct.
The concept of open and transparent youth programming is essential to our consistent alignment against abuse and misconduct. Throughout the coming year, US Sailing will be conducting a comprehensive educational campaign to ensure that sailing organizations are equipped to implement an effective SafeSport program. To learn about SafeSport, click here.
• US Sailing is seeking nominations for our Association, Community Sailing, and Training and Education awards. Submit your nominations and recognize a worthy sailor or sailing organization for their contributions to the sport. Don’t hesitate to recognize your staff, organization or someone in your community! These awards inspire others to continue their hard work and provide opportunities for everyone to get on the water. For award details and to submit a nomination, click here.