They bought a boat

Published on January 24th, 2022

Who would pay more than $280,000 for a hulking, orange 57-year-old Staten Island Ferry boat whose engines don’t work? As was revealed on Saturday Night Live, Staten Island natives Pete Davidson and Colin Jost are among a consortium of New Yorkers who placed the winning bid in an auction that ended January 19, 2022.

The group of like-minded New York City natives wanted to save the old boat from being scrapped. The Kennedy, which was commissioned in 1965, was by far the oldest boat in the city’s fleet when it was retired in August 2021

The auction website made clear that the boat was being sold “as is” and “where is,’’ which is at the St. George Ferry Terminal along the north shore of Staten Island. The buyers have about two weeks to move the boat, which is 277 feet long, 69 feet wide and weighs more than 2,100 tons.

The plan is to turn the retired ferry into an arts and entertainment venue.

Warning: The SNL video below from January 22 is a bit crude.

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