Brown University is top team in 2023-24
Published on May 30th, 2024
The stellar performance by Brown University (Providence, RI) during the 2023-24 season earns them the Leonard M. Fowle Memorial Trophy as the overall top team in college sailing.
This trophy is based on a team’s results at the Women’s Singlehanded, Open Singlehanded, Match Race, Open Team Race, Women’s Team Race, Women’s Fleet Race Semifinals/Finals, and Open Fleet Race Semifinals/Final Championships. This is Brown’s second time winning the Fowle Trophy, having previously earned it in 1991.
The Brown sailing team showed its strength by placing in the top-5 at five out of the seven National Championships in College Sailing:
• 1st Place at the Match Race Nationals
• 2nd Place at the Women’s Singlehanded Nationals
• 4th Place at the Open Team Race Nationals
• 4th Place at the Open Fleet Race Nationals
• 5th Place at the Women’s Fleet Race Nationals
• 8th Place at the Women’s Team Race Nationals
• 10th Place at the Open Singlehanded Nationals
After Brown, the top five schools in the Fowle ranking was Yale University, Stanford University, Dartmouth College, and Harvard University.
“Winning the Fowle Trophy is an incredible honor and accomplishment for our team, and I couldn’t be more proud of our student-athletes and the alumni that laid the groundwork for such a strong group,” said Head Coach John Mollicone. “It literally came down to the last race at the Open Dinghy National Championship to win it. You need depth, diverse skill sets, and consistency across the board to win the Fowle Trophy, and this year’s team was strong in all seven disciplines within College Sailing.”
The Leonard M. Fowle Memorial Trophy honors the late Graduate Secretary of the New England District and Executive Vice President of the Intercollegiate Yacht Racing Association. Len served in both posts from their creation until his death in 1973 and his devotion to college sailing is without peer. College sailing today had its very beginnings in the organizational ability and personal drive of this one man.
Trophy details – Fowle ranking
2023-24 Season
Fall National Championships:
November 3-5: Match Race Nationals – Charleston, SC
November 11-12: Women’s and Open Singlehanded Nationals – New Orleans, LA
Spring National Championships:
April 25-27: Open Team Race Nationals – Boston, MA
April 28-29: Women’s Team Race Nationals – Boston, MA
May 20-23: Women’s Dinghy Nationals – Boston, MA
May 24-27: Open Dinghy Nationals – Boston, MA
Source: ICSA