7th Southern Collegiate Offshore Regatta

Published on February 12th, 2023

Sixteen college teams competed in the 2023 Southern Collegiate Offshore Regatta held February 11-12 in Charleston, SC. With racing held in two divisions using PHRF handicaps, the six-race series faced an extreme range of conditions.

The first day of racing consisted of using only main and jib due to steady and strong 15-20 mph constant wind with 35 mph gusts. This was the first time in the history of this regatta to have this much heavy wind. Day two of racing pulled out every conceivable weather condition possible except snow and ice. It was not typical weather again; however, it did provide great, nonboring racing conditions.

This regatta saw some new entries as well as some who continue to return. The winner of the A division racing was the Coast Guard Academy on Bill Hanckel’s J/120 Em-Ocean. In B Division, the University of South Carolina won with the J/105 Ruckus, owned by Patrick Chisum, Russell Smith, and Paul Jacques. The best-time overall winner was Navy, racing on the Melges 32 Fearless, owned by John Lucas.

This was also the first time the event experienced a wait list for participating. The organizers look forward to having the regatta again next year and hopefully growing the participating boats, which local Charleston Ocean Racing Association boat owners provide, therefore allowing more teams to participate and of course, with the continued and welcomed support from the host club, Carolina Yacht Club.

Details: https://charlestonoceanracing.com/southern-collegiate-ocean-regatta
Photos: https://www.sailingscuttlebutt.com/2023/02/12/photos-southern-collegiate-offshore-regatta-2023/

PHRF A: https://scores.collegesailing.org/s23/south-collegiate-offshore-phrf/
PHRF B: https://scores.collegesailing.org/s23/scor-phrf/

Coast Guard Academy

US Naval Academy

University of South Carolina

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