Browsing the "David Dellenbaugh" Tag

Avoid bad air from other boats

July 11th, 2021

David Dellenbaugh’s Speed & Smarts newsletter shares how-to tips for racing sailors, and in this article reprinted by WindCheck Magazine,

How Important is Current?

May 14th, 2018

When the US Sailing Team prepared for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games held in the notoriously current-ridden Guanabara Bay, David

Take Control of Your Race

October 17th, 2017

David Dellenbaugh’s Speed & Smarts newsletter is a bi-monthly newsletter packed with tips to improve our racing performance. In this

When Slower is Faster

June 6th, 2017

David Dellenbaugh shares in the US Sailing blog how slowing down can put you ahead in a race. The goal

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