Chris Williford Second Wind Day
Published on May 7th, 2013
The Chris Williford Second Wind Day, Sunday, May 5th, was a tremendous success, thanks to huge support locally and around the world. From Team Chris, thanks to all involved, especially US Sailing, Southern Boating Magazine, Scuttlebutt, Long Island Sound Youth Sailing Team (“LISOT”), Sperry Topsider, Yacht Scoring – Live Race Management Solutions, the USODA, the LYC Tennis Team, and Atlantis Weather Gear (too many to name all), who donated significant advertising space, support and products.
At Lauderdale Yacht Club, it was an affirmation of the environment that we seek for our families when we join a yacht club. Everyone pulled together for Chris’s day, from a tennis tournament with 50 competitors, to the Second Wind Regatta with 70 registrants and their families physically present, racing Optis, Lasers, 420’s and Mercuries. Over 100 individuals and 12 colleges were present virtually (with some extremely creative boat names and descriptions) for whom a gallant armada of 10 Radio Controlled Lasers raced. A raffle and silent auction brought in more for the cause.
Thirteen hundred miles north, LISOT held two separate Second Wind Regattas at Larchmont YC, Larchmont, NY. Over 25 Lasers, Optis and 420’s, coaches and dedicated families rallied for Chris.
All, including Chris and his family, were winners Sunday. It was a special affirmation of the goodness of those with whom we have chosen to spend the majority of our free time, locally and on the road.
And now the best news. Chris’s dad, David, gave us an update at the awards ceremony. Chris was to be released, and was in fact released from the hospital on Monday! He’s winning his battle with cancer. Chris still can’t walk without a walker, has lost a lot of weight, and not all the muscles are firing the way they need to, but they will, and the weight and muscle tone will come back. Chris has signed up for the Youth Champs this summer! Indomitable spirit held high by the rest of you. Good Luck Chris!
The final tally is not in, but we raised a good amount of money. Chris and his family have cleared many hurtles along the way so far, but there are many to go in Chris’s lifelong journey with Leukemia. The donations and emotional support of so many locally and in the sailing world will go far to assist them, and we will need to continue to hold them high with our support. The following is Christopher’s link for the Children’s Organ Transplant Organization (“COTA”) for those who would like to make a donation:
You can access some fantastic and entertaining photos from the day by going to our LYC photographer, John Payne’s, Facebook page and to the LISOT Facebook page.
More news to come. Again, thanks to all involved.
Peter Commette for Team Chris