HISTORY: Rules, Fun, and Passion
Published on January 7th, 2014
Here are some moments in sailing history stored in the Scuttlebutt archives…
2009- 5 years ago: The new edition of The Racing Rules of Sailing deleted Rule 17.2 (On the Same Tack; Proper Course). This means that a windward boat or a boat clear ahead no longer has a proper course limitation when sailing near other boats. She can sail below her proper course if she wishes, for instance to make it more difficult for a boat astern to pass or establish an inside overlap nearing a mark. Windward boats must still keep clear of leeward boats under rule 11 (On the Same Tack, Overlapped).
2004- 10 years ago: “At age 95 I suppose I should keep quiet but I feel, now, like saying how happy I am that I was most deeply involved in sailing before either the USCG or the ISAF took the proactive positions they seem to take today. I think it was more fun.” – Olin J. Stephens
1999- 15 years ago: “Our team is unique because we have selected people for whom sailing is their passion, not just their job. We have the strongest design and sailing team that will lead to the fastest boat, and we have really tried hard to be true to our theory that the winning team will be one without barriers. It will be the best person for the job, man or woman.” – Dawn Riley, skipper and CEO of America True, the co-ed challengers from the San Francisco Yacht Club.