Getting publicity for your sailing event
Published on February 18th, 2014
If you search J/22 Midwinter Championship on Google*, which was held this past weekend (Feb. 14-16, 2014) on Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans, LA, the top three results are:
– Event website
– Scuttlebutt report on the regatta
– Class website
The highly ranked Scuttlebutt report would not have occurred without:
– The class being relevant
– The event being relevant
– The event news being promptly distributed
Julie and Chris Howell are the J/22 International Class Secretary (along with several other classes), and they have a system that is low impact, high result. They do these three things each day, and they do them quickly:
– Results updated
– Photo gallery (12+ images) posted on J/22 Facebook Page
– Word document summary (300-350 words) emailed to media list
By efficiently and promptly fulfilling these three steps, the J/22 Midwinters is now highly ranked on Google, and Scuttlebutt was able to share daily updates on Twitter and Facebook in addition to the newsletter and website. The system works!
Click here to see all the media this event gained.
The Scuttlebutt editors have gathered a toolbox of tips on how to help events improve their online communication.
* Search done on February 18, 2014